Whether you're losing your religion, or finding your faith again, tell us, about religion.
What's your religion? What, if anything, do you believe in? Or why do you not believe? Did you used to, but lost your faith along the way? And how important is religion to you?
NOTE: Some may find offensive. Read at your own risk. Views of the muse do not necessarily correspond with the mun.
You know, religion isn’t something I’ve put much thought in to.
Growing up, the only time religion entered the house was when my father was angry enough to swear. Christmas was just a time for gifts and a chance to have extra time off of school - there’s wasn’t any deeper meaning behind it.
As an adult, it’s still not really a part of my life. On earth the major deities mostly revolve around something that you can’t touch or see, but simply believe exists. I’m more logical based. I need to have the proof in front of me - some sort of concrete evidence to back it up. The idea of a god, angels and the devil to me are just ideas, like Santa Claus or the Tooth-Fairy.
Look at the Gould. They’ve enslaved countless planets pretending to be gods. The people on those planets fully believed that they were - simply because of shows of great power and unexplainable feats. Yet, when it all comes down to it, they’re just snakes with a protein marker that is able to activate technology that requires that marker to function. Once the magic is gone so is the worship.
Or, there are the Ancients. These people simply evolved far enough that they were able to accomplish amazing things; and again countless planets worship them because of it. Those followers are expecting that if their faith is strong enough, the Ancients will come back one day and take care of them.
In either scenario, the faith is placed in a being that doesn’t think of it’s worshippers as flock to tend to. The Gould aren’t concerned about their slaves welfare and the Ancients have all ascended and aren’t coming back. Who’s to say that Jesus Christ wasn’t a Tok’ra or an Ancient himself? Now wouldn’t that just be ironic?!
When it comes to faith, I have to stick with what I know I can rely on. Instead of putting faith into a god that may or may not exist, I’ll put that faith into the people who have earned my trust and respect. Knowing that when my time of need does come around, they will be there standing beside me.
Prompt Community:
fandom_musesTopic # 22
Word Count: 366
Rating: PG