Well, as far as blood relation goes, it doesn't mean much of anything. I was always pretty much considered the 'black sheep' of my family. When I became the great disappointment to my father, I was completely written off without a second thought.
Even before that I guess I was quite the embarrassment to him. Here he was, a highly decorated Air Force General with a son who couldn't grasp the basic idea of following orders. The disobedience that resulted in me being sent to Antarctica however, was the final straw. He made it quite clear that from that moment on I was completely on my own. The rest of my so-called family followed his lead. As far as any of them were concerned, I died right along with Mitch and Dex.
I've been off Earth for two years now, and I doubt if any of them even realize it. Not that it really matters.
Coming to Atlantis altered my perception on what family meant. Our first year here, those in the expedition started to become like a family. There were only two hundred of us in the beginning and with the impending threat of a Wraith attack, being disconnected from Earth and just the day to day struggles seemed to bring us all much closer together.
Unfortunately, when we re-established communication with Earth that all changed. Many asked for transfers back home and we received new personnel to replace them. In fact, each trip the Daedalus makes exchanges and adds more and more people, to the point where there are constantly new faces walking the halls of Atlantis.
Now, family means the only constant people in my life - my team, Elizabeth and Carson.
Prompt Community:
fandom_musesTopic # 15
Word Count: 285
Rating: PG