Oct 20, 2008 14:20
I think at long last, I am back in Pittsburgh for real. After returning from Philadelphia, I figured I’d be settled for awhile but I took an overnight trip to Baltimore last week in order to meet with a representative from the University of Edinburgh.
I’ve been trying to make use of how the summer has been able to shake up my life and figure out where I want to go next. This whole system of making major life decisions a year in advance might not be uncommon but that doesn’t make it easy. Going back to school next fall is definitely an option, assuming the economy doesn’t leave me eating beans outside of a (literal) boxcar. As you probably deduced by now, one of the schools I’m considering is all the way across an ocean. I can’t really figure out if is smart or just romantic to consider uprooting myself and living in Scotland. Having moved abroad before, I know how isolating the day-to-day can be (although at least this time, the folks around me will be speaking English) and also how frustrating it is when you eventually come home and leave behind an entire new life. Still, there is a definite appeal to uprooting myself while I have no dependents and trying something crazy and new. I don’t know. Luckily, I’m only at the application stage and can put off all this serious decision making for Future Regina to take care of. I imagine she loves that sort of crap!
Work is going well so far. My temp assignment has been extended through to April. There is a real chance they will offer me something permanent either before then or at that time. I’m also uncertain about whether or not I will want to accept that offer if it comes. Another problem for Future Regina - she is some kind of decider super hero. I feel like part of what makes my job fun is knowing that it is temporary. Things can’t really get to me if I know they’ll end soon anyway.
In other news, I’m looking forward to the Evaline and finding new ways to eat up any semblance of free time (as soon as possible).
rad - Future Regina, I hope
lame - all hands meeting