This is probably the last post I will make on LJ.
Plenty of other people have written about the new terms of service and the serious issues they raise. Whilst accepting that they are unlikely to have any practical consequences for me (I intend to avoid visiting Russia) I do not feel I can post further new material to be hosted by LJ on those terms.
I'm not going to delete my LJ as (1) any content will, I'm sure, already have been scanned and harvested if interesting, and (2) I don't believe for a moment that LJ's current owners actually remove content when an account is deleted. But I won't make any new posts or cross-post from Dreamwidth.
I've imported my LJ account fully into DW, along with friend lists. In theory that means that if you are friends with me on LJ you can now view f-locked posts on DW too. Or, if you're migrating to DW,
friend me there.