"That git Clarke told me it's what everyone wears over here"

Jul 04, 2014 20:34

File 770 has posted this tribute to Fred Ordway, space scientist, author, and technical consultant on 2001: A Space Odyssey. It includes this photograph:

As the caption at the File 770 post notes, the foreground figures are (L-R) Ordway, astronaut Deke Slayton, Arthur C Clarke, Stanley Kubrick and NASA senior manager George Mueller, during a tour of the 2001 sets at MGM's Borehamwood Studios.

What isn't explained is why Ordway appears to be dressed in cricket whites.

Indeed, from Slayton's expression, I think he might have been about to ask.

This entry was originally posted at http://major-clanger.dreamwidth.org/27037.html, where there are
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