Week of the Young Child?

Apr 18, 2008 08:42

Despite Dear Husband and I have food poisoning and horrible weeks at work, I think the kids have been having a good time.

Princess P had a fun week at daycare - it's supposedly the Week of the Young Child???  I had no clue.  To celebrate they had special parent/child craft projects in the lobby every day and special dress up themes as well.  Of course, DH forgot to bring home the info the week before - he brought it home this Wednesday night.  So she was not properly dressed until Thursday - I think she missed crazy sock day, hat day, and animal shirt day or something like that.  I wish I was still the one driving her to and fro - then I would have a clue what is going on.

Anyway, she got to wear Disney themed clothing yesterday.  Despite her love of the pricesses and Tinkerbell, she does not have THAT much stuff to choose from.  She chose her green Tinkerbell T with a denim skort that must once (several cousins ago) have come with a Minnie Mouse top because it has the name Minnie embroidered in a small place near the hem.  She also wore her Disney Princess shoes.  Today she got to wear pajamas.  She could not decide between the lavender nightie with little purple princess crowns all over it and the cute ruffled hem, or the bright pink pajamas with Disney Princesses all over them and chiffon ruffles at the hems of the palazzo style pants.  A nighty is like a dress - so she leaned in that direction, but it was not pink, so the pjs won out.

Wonder Boy had a good week overall at school, though on Tuesday he cried during math and repeatedly erased his whiteboard with his fingers and onto his white shirt.  The rest of the week he did well including doing an entire worksheet by himself with the rest of the class when his attendant was not available.  And I think he should have done well on his test on the days of the week and months of the year - they had to put them in order - I thought 2nd grade was kind of old for kids to not know that already.  He can put them in order, he just has no clue what day it is.

Then on Thursday, I was invited to attend the quarterly recognition assembly.  This IS America, so to bolster our kids' self-esteem, we reward eveything under the freakin' sun.  He's gotten attendance awards at these assemblies before and I have not been invited.  They give 2 different attendance awards - 1 for kids with perfect attendance and 1 for kids with pretty good attendance.  I think that is ridiculous, but who am I?  Anyway, they also give awards for straight As, then for kids who got As and Bs, then for kids who made significant improvements.  Finally they do the Shining Star award where each teacher picks one child to spotlight based on effort, behavior, attitude, etc.  Not something I would ever have expected for Wonder Boy - his wondrousness lies in other areas - but that was what my invite said.  It turns out he was nominated by his speech therapist, which was really nice of her, but then again, she's only at the school 2 days a week, so she can't have that many kids to choose from.  Still, I couldn't help but be pleased and proud.  I know despite really hating school, he has been trying hard this quarter and behaving much better.  He was actually kind of excited about it.  Last night, I wanted to do something to recognize how proud we are of him, so DH gave him the toy we have been saving for his birthday - which he has been begging for since January.  I'm still not sure if he understands why we gave it to him, but I hope so.

His good week has culminated in having a day off school today - he is still in his pjs watching old episodes of the Muppet Show.  Actually, I think it's just the same one over and over, featuring a very young Steve Martin.

Despite a huge workload and many deadlines fast approaching, I am going to have a laid-back attitiude for work today.  I'm just going to get done what I can actually get done.  We'll see how that goes.

With a high today around 80F I also intend to take long walk at lunchtime to enjoy this unseasonable Ohio weather.

daycare, wonder boy, school, muppet show, kids, work, princess p

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