
Mar 01, 2004 21:24

That about sums up the whole experience!^^;;

Short version: Woke up at 3am, tidied up the packing and got ready to go by 3:30. Trip to the airport and such were pretty uneventful. Arrived at Springfield, Missouri feeling severely sleep deprived.

The handball tournament was fun, albeit badly planned at the beginning. See, usually they have a 'coaches' meeting' at the beginning to seed everyone (rank all the players) and start setting up matches. This, they say, takes about half an hour. Which is a total load of, excuse my language, bullshit. The meeting started at 5pm and theoretically, it would be finished in time so people can start playing by 6.

I don't think the matches started until 8, and since the tournament is on a tight schedule, we didn't leave (because we can't leave without knowing when we're playing, not to mention the shuttle schedule from the hotel to the courts SUCKED) until 11 or so.

I was lucky cuz I didn't have any matches until the next day, but the next day was even MORE hellish...@_@

So we all got there around 8am (after going to bed with jet lag of about 2 hours, and then getting up at what was 4:30 am for us poor Californians...), and then the matches started getting delayed. First it was 15 minutes, then 30, then an hour, then by the end they were delayed about 3 hours. I had a doubles game at 9pm. We didn't play until 12:30am. And by the time we got back to the hotel it was 2am. And there were people who stayed later and had matches the next day. A player that tagged along with our group had one hour of sleep before he had to play this really highly ranked guy...I felt bad for him.

Things settled down by Friday because most of the players got eliminated from the brackets (me included^^;; )and from then on it was just a lot of cheering for other team members and watching exciting matches. It wasn't nearly as cool as last year's National collegiates, but it was pretty fun.

Then I came home (horrible, horrible plane ride that got delayed and such) after purchasing my required shot glasses (I collect shot glasses, though I don't drink...) from Missouri and Texas (we had a layover in texas, I figured I might as well).

Kinda just toppled over and died. Apparently in my absence, DA changed their Indy Art section (of which 99% of my art is in), and FMA 20 and 21 came out!!! I got 20 when I went to class, but didn't get a chance to see it...

Stuff I got from dad:
W-2 form. I will get about $200 back for my tax return...why? because my taxable income is a big fat 0. Such is the life of a student..^^;
A really nifty good-luck necklace of a scarab, made of gold (?) and little diamond looking crystals.
A necklace from my aunts in taiwan made of tiny stars and gold balls on a thin chain. It's SO girly that I just stared at it for awhile, but I like it.^_^;

The university sent me a bill for $20 for my course fees for Taekwondo, then told me to check with the cashier's office to pick up my scholarship check. I'm wondering why they don't just deduct the amount from my scholarship and give me the leftovers instead. Weird.

Hmm...also got a phone that works over the DSL line (something dad's company is developing). It's really nifty, and now I can call dad in china without having to use a phone card or something. Might get mom one, just so she can stop having to get up early (or stay up late) to call while the international rates are cheap. But that's dependent on her having a broadband connection... despite the fact that school is in full swing, I still feel like I'm on vacation of sorts. I find that it was so much easier to bond with the guys on the team rather than the girls...@_@ But yeah...anyway.^_^; It was fun to watch everyone play.

I think some of them took pictures...I'll be helping out with the team website, so I'll probably link some stuff from here. Heheheh. And I also worked a little on building some pages for Majo's Cauldron...they'll be up eventually.^^;

Ok, I go now...More sleep is in order..@_@ I don't think I've ever slept so little in my life...@_@



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