Apr 15, 2020 21:40
Another looooong day at work, made worse by working some more after I get home!
But the taxes are done, shelter at home (except when going to work) continues, and I'm tired but I am making food because darn it, I am not eating (only) a protein bar for dinner! ^_^; Just whipping up some breakfast quesadillas (but for dinner too). Dad made a lot of nice noodles from scratch but it's a bit late to eat all those carbs. And the only noodle sauce I have is cold noodle sauce, and I have no garnish (chopped veggies, etc) to go with it...
What else? Hmmm, weather has finally seemed to turn better. I got a few hours of sun each weekend so I sunned my blankets. They smell sooo good after, and it lasts quite awhile. Definitely going to keep doing that if the weather permits. Tried cracking an egg with one hand today - it turned out ok, but I still got some shell pieces. Must practice more, it seems pretty straightforward once I have someone explain it to me (in a youtube video, actually not that surprising).
Also because of not going out, I managed to get more than usual cleaning done. I might have mentioned cleaning off the dining room table - stuff is migrating back but at least it's had one good wipedown. I also did the same thing to the back counter. The main counters only had pseudo cleanings, since they have a lot of stuff on them. Will have to clean them off completely, maybe next weekend.
Ok, time for food!