New Year approaching!

Dec 30, 2018 14:54

Haha, and now it's post-Christmas, pre-New year.

Christmas was good, very quiet and slow. We learned that almost nothing is open and probably ate healthier because of it. I got to try out a new hike at Tapo Canyon Trail. Still a bit short for what I'm looking for, but definitely a really good ratio of good views for minimal effort.

Thinking about some goals and resolutions/lifestyle changes for the new year. So far I have a few about eating out less by trying to cook some of my favorites myself, trying to intensify my workouts or add more weight training, being more organized at work, and being more minimal with life in general. Buy less things, be more eco-conscious, etc. Will have to make a list (lists are so useful!) when the time comes.

Next year it will be the year of the Boar. The year of the Dog has been pretty eventful, though I don't believe in the whole 'if it's the year of your zodiac animal, you will have bad luck'. There will be plenty of bad and good things every year, it's what I decided to do with it, or how I deal with it, that matters.

So, in some recent news...the remodels are done but now we're having (have been having) weird problems with the washer. We think that probably something fell down the air vent on the roof to block a pipe, so when the washer is doing its spin cycle, the water gets pushed up and out of the vent and back into the washer. I washed the bathroom mats today and it's especially bad, the mats are still soaked enough to leak water even after the spinning. I've emailed the contractor to see what he'll say, otherwise I'll just bite the bullet and call a plumber to check.

Dad is planning to retire in 2019, so he'll have time to handle some stuff at home, such as the yard rework, growing stuff in our yard, figuring out and building/installing some storage, and rain gutters. The rain gutters might be first on the list, actually. Jeff's wedding and who will be attending is still up in the air, but it's looking more and more like dad will be the one to go. I actually do want to go to Taiwan though, but it'll be a bit weird if I go at that time (Because it's actually a really good time to visit Taiwan) but don't stay long enough to attend the wedding). Also, my boss is going to do a New Zealand/Australia trip at the end of January/beginning of February, so I can't go any earlier.

Ok, now, off to ...pack breakfast? oh, wait, work has free breakfast tomorrow...


work, christmas, new years, life

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