Happy Thanksgiving!

Nov 22, 2018 11:58

It's been a very eventful November...but Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

In general news: The roof was done last weekend, which meant we managed to finish about 3-5 days before it rained. Which is so WTF, because it literally has not rained or even had a hint of moisture for the longest time here. *sigh* Now everyone has to worry about possible mudslides...at least over here it wasn't a lot of rain.

We're doing the attic, starting tomorrow. Supposedly they want to try and finish during the weekend, because there are other jobs lined up during the normal weekday. Dad'll be home on Friday because he gets that day off (lucky!) so we'll see.

I have to make apple crisp, because despite intentions I AM going to some sort of Thanksgiving dinner with my dad. Hopefully it won't turn out terrible, because I won't have time to make something else.@_@ Unless it's stuffing...But stuffing needs gravy and I definitely did not pick up any gravy, and braving a grocery store now is beyond me.

Organizing old docs and photos continue apace. This is the result of downloading/extracting multiple spindle-full of CDs/DVDs of videos, manga, music, and personal backups. I am a bit irritated with my past self, because the organization is pretty crap! That means I have to do it NOW, because I put it off before.@_@ Ugh...

Ok! Back to the non-rat race grind...


holiday, ramblings, thanksgiving, life

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