Drive by update

Feb 01, 2011 23:02

Not much on the house front today -returned the extra mop-head replacement (was for the wrong type of mop, it only LOOKED very similar to ours in the store) and the extra outlet faceplate (whee, a whole $0.65 refund. :P). Found that the local Home Depot does not carry replacement continuous loop cords for our window blinds - found them online for $5, but the site wants another $5 for shipping.

Will try to call some local smaller stores and see if they have these replacements in stock. On the other hand, if the website of one is true and they plan to charge $20 for it, then...just, no, to that too.

Dad wants to paint the poles this weekend, I'm not sure if I should be happy that I won't be here (and won't have to help) or worried that I won't be here (and therefore can't supervise). Ah, well.

More work tomorrow, work and the inspection for the insurance on Thursday, with calls and packing to be fitted in the cracks. Friday is more work, hopefully getting off at a decent hour, and depending on when that is, dinner with either dad or the usual gang, then off to the airport with me!


house, taiwan, vacation, life

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