I'm standing there, on the balcony in summer air

Apr 11, 2010 12:53

...You know how there are some things that just define 'getting up' in the morning? Like, brushing one's teeth, washing one's face, etc?

Well, it feels like I haven't done my thing yet. That, combined with the gloomy gray weather that's more like winter than spring, makes me want to go back to bed.^^;;;;

But, I can't! Because the last thing I need to do is conserve energy, because I've been rather bad on the food front lately, and boy it was not happy times this morning when I stepped on the scale. Alas, alas! I'll just have to be good this upcoming week, and it'll even be mostly pleasant since the fruit that we've picked up in the last few days are all delicious. I just ate a whole box of papaya and it was awesome!

Unhappy scale times aside, I was pretty productive on the chores front today - I vacuumed, swept, threw my clothes in the dryer for like, 10 minutes, since they were already mostly dry from hanging out all day yesterday, got them folded, and this morning/last night I had done some paper sorting. My state taxes have been mailed, I've paid the property tax and gotten my federal tax return. My wedding errands are done and I don't have to call my mom until tonight, for which an alarm has been set.

I have to clean my room and organize the spread of papers on the desk in here, but other than that, I think I should only have to get up properly, maybe go for a run before lunch, and then maybe vegetate the day away doing creative stuff or playing video games. I miss video games - they are pretty time-wasting and stuff, but the entertainment is high if you pick a good game, and sometimes mind-numbed is a good state to be in.

My boss's next extended vacation to Sri Lanka will be in July. I'm going to check with our HR manager and see if we're allowed to take unpaid vacation time since there's no way I'll have 3 weeks accrued by the end of this year, and eventually I'll be ditching her for a bit to go overseas as well. :P Eventually. Until then, the workaholicism continues!

Okay, to get myself into order!


to do, food, life

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