I - Incriminating Evidence, RePorn, Gokudera and Yamamoto for gray_damaskena

Oct 11, 2009 14:17

It ended up being the two requested + Tsuna + Ryohei

For those who have no knowledge of Repron - I mean, Reborn:

Tsuna: Main character. He's kinda like Sailor Moon except MORE AWESOME. Massive crush on a girl named Kyoko
Gokudera: Fangirl bait - I'm caught! Er, is a study in contradictions. Smokes a lot. Will try try to bomb you to death.
Yamamoto: All around good guy/ boy next door/ Natural born hitman/ baseball idiot (one of these is not like the others).
Ryohei: Kyoko's older brother, a boxing fanatic who says 'extreme!' a lot.

This is vaguely set ...somewhere. Has a Daily-Life arc feel.


The contents of Yamamoto's pockets are as follows: a piece of gum, spare change, two keys with a baseball keychain, a pink-colored tube, and some lint.

"Sorry, I only have 100 yen," Yamamoto said cheerfully, handing the change over, oblivous to the way that Ryohei was staring at the pink colored tube and the way that Gokudera and Tsuna were rapidly paling and then flushing to match. "But that should be enough with what you have to get some melon bread, right?"

"What is this extremely weird thing?!" Ryohei asked, pointing at the pink thing at the same time that Gokudera nearly screeched, "You KEPT it, baseball freak!?" and Tsuna stuttered, "Ya-Yamamoto!"

"Oh, this?" Yamamoto held up the object in question. "It's lip gloss." He turned it a little and peered at the flowy (and extremely feminine) script in silver on the side. "Cherry-flavored!"

"Why do you have cherry lip gloss? That's extremely girly!" Ryohei declared as Tsuna hid his face in his hands. Gokudera made a lunge for the grinning Rain Guardian but missed ('Haha, are we playing keep-away again?') before he could stop Yamamoto from answering.

"We had a cosplay game this weekend!" Yamamoto replied easily with a laugh, avoiding the dynamite Gokudera was trying to shove in his mouth. "The kid wanted us to pretend to be girls, and he had the clothes in our sizes and everything. It was fun!" All that could be seen of Tsuna was his huge hair and his hunched shoulders, with mutters of 'why me?' and 'ohmygod, Reborn, I'll never live this down' and a few 'Kyoko-chan's whimpered here and there. Gokudera was already well on his way to an apopletic fit by now and as Ryohei muttered, "Extremely weird!" Yamamoto turned to his fellow Guardian. "Hey, did you keep yours? I was wondering if we can trade, I like the strawberry flavor better!"


And Gokudera blew up the school rooftop and they lived happily ever after. The End.

My thoughts:
Canon: Reborn cosplaying
Canon: Reborn offering Tsuna cosplay opportunities
Potential Canon: Reborn making them all cosplay. It would be a thing of beauty.

...and Yamamoto's got it wrong, it's probably not really lip gloss but only lip balm. This is not to say that lip gloss wasn't involved though, just that he's a guy and can't keep the stuff straight (though to be honest, neither could I)..


khr, meme, writage

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