Original plans:
Draw, watch the new FMA, cash check, etc etc etc
What really happened:
http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/room Only managed to get through both the Crimson and Viridian rooms by virtue of
subsiding_leaf 's patience and subtle hints for me.
Tomorrow I have to call about one straggling medical bill for my stepmother, find the number to the Chinese bakery on Reseda, and figure out what I'll bring for Friday's potluck. Did I mention? We have three coworkers who are having birthdays in a row this week...a potluck seemed appropriate.^_^ Two of them are also declared fans of Asian cakes (tends to be lighter and less sweet) and the third's willing to give it a try, so I'm going to see if I can order it tomorrow and pick it up Friday morning or Thursday night.
But now, to bed!