I need a reverse icon

Mar 10, 2009 21:18

You know how the icon I have says "Had a Life, got a modem"? I need one that said "Have a modem, got a life".@_@

Life eats me. I'm trying to cram more because my little stints were kinda pathetic and not conductive towards meeting the "Take the GREs again by March month-end - April beginning" goal. Daylight savings time does not help.

Weekend was fun though - had Coffee Night on Friday, concert at church on Saturday (We would've bought the group's albums too, except they only take cash or check on-site and between the two of us we had a measly $8...If only they took credit card!), and church-not-as-usual on Sunday. The not-as-usual part was because of Daylight savings time, I was so tired that I fell asleep during the service *facepalm*, so I begged off Bible Study to nap in the car.

And now, back to life.@_@ Whyyyyyyyyyy is it soooo cold?? I want it to warm up so I can wear my new hoodie!

Annnnnnnnnnnnd, finished 4th week of 1st weight goal, starting 3rd week on 2nd weight goal. This was not helped by massive snacking (for me, anyway) on Monday, must remember to bring tons of fruit to work next time to head off those munchies!



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