Impromptu Game Log - KH1 Monstro

Feb 11, 2009 22:02

I completed the Monstro level last night, after finding him completely by accident. There were places that were hard in KH2 but I think I would've been stuck in Monstro forever without a walkthrough. As usual, burning annoyance for the camera angles and the sadistic delight that the programmers took in putting high ledges everywhere and enemies that attack you while on said ledges. And giving you a main character that likes to jump around all monkey-like. *sigh*

But it was fun, and we got to meet emo!boy Riku again! I was too busy bashing buttons to check out his fighting style when we took on that cage-heartless thing, but as I'm fairly sure I'll have to battle him at some point, I'm sure I didn't miss anything too important.

Maleficenttttttttttttttttttt. So cool, yet so creepy.

High Jump ability = coolest ever (until the next ability comes along)

And now...I don't think I'll have time to play anything with plot today, so I might check the Coliseum (Pegasus Cup just became available)...


game, kh

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