Snow kiss =/= slow kiss (what the heck is a slow kiss? Is it the same as a slow dance?)

Apr 29, 2008 20:13

Yes, every time I hear that refrain I think the singer's saying "Slow kiss" instead of "snow kiss". Go figure.

This is your public service announcement: I am not dead! I am slightly busy, hanging in there, and such.

Bro came back this past Sunday very briefly - to work. I got him a very delicious cake and we had CPK for dinner. It was a busy but good day overall. Saturday was spent doing chores, shopping for groceries, and hanging out w/ Mel.

Today I have homework to finish and a Special project to get started on. I really should have started a lot earlier, but, yeah. Hindsight.

I've seen this meme floating around, so here's a meme to keep everyone (all of the bare-less-than-handful people who watches this journal) busy....

  1. Do I have a distinct style of drawing?

  2. If so, what exactly is it that defines my "style"?

  3. Would you say my art usually follows a 'theme'?

  4. Is there anything I really need to improve on or change?

  5. Does my style (if I have one) remind you of/look like the style of anyone else?

  6. Judging from whatever art of mine that you've seen, what do you think I do the best at?

  7. What do you think I suck at?
And that's it! That's all, folks! Off to watch my downloaded anime, finish probability homework, and start that special project, mainly by figuring out how to write a program to calculate a cubic spline. Whee.


life, family, meme

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