Random thoughts...

Aug 16, 2005 21:19

Naruto: Sasuke! I'm bringing you back!
Sasuke: Wanna fight? Let's fight!
Naruto: Yeah!
Sasuke: To start...I use...the Power of the Long Ass Flashback!
Naruto: hey, that's not something you fight with!
Sasuke: Oh, shut up!
Naruto: It's not!
Sasuke: Ok, ok. FINE. I use Chidori!
Naruto: I match with a Rasengan!
Sasuke: A tie. Damn. Ok, I raise you with the Curse Seal Level 1!
Naruto: *pwned* Shit. I see your Curse Seal level 1 and raise you with..the Kyuubi!
Sasuke: That's CHEATING!
Naruto: Nyah nyah nyahhhhh!
Sasuke: Ok, damn. Fine. I see your Kyuubi and raise you with...extra commas in my Sharingan.
Naruto: So now you have 3 in each eye? Creepy.
Sasuke: Don't make fun of my bloodline limit, dork. *kicks ass*
Naruto: *pwned*...shit. I see your extra commas and raise you with...MORE KYUUBI.
Sasuke: I reiterate, THAT'S CHEATING.
Naruto: Anything to kick your ass and beat sense into your thick skull.
Sasuke: F**k. FINE. Time to show you my secret training!
Naruto: While you were in that stupid bucket?
Sasuke: SHUT UP ABOUT THE BUCKET. I see your Kyuubi^2 and raise you with the Curse Seal level 2!
Naruto: Damn, as if you weren't girly looking enough. Fine, let's have a climatic showdown!
Sasuke: we were already having one.
Naruto: Right.
Sasuke and Naruto: AHHHHHH!!!!! *things blow up*

Kakashi: Stupid teenagers.

That kept me amused. And kid!Sasuke has the scariest voice. It's like when he's 12, he's got a 20 year-old's voice, when he's 8, he's got a 12 year old's voice.



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