
Aug 01, 2005 00:44

Remembered after I went to bed that I have late stay tomorrow, which means I get to go in at 10am.

This random thought kept me up:

In vol. 6, Sasuke was able to tell that the Naruto that came out of the bushes was a fake because his throwing-stars pouch was on the wrong side *Naruto's right handed*. Thinking back, Sasuke and Sakura BOTH have their pouches strapped to their right thighs too...does that mean they're right handed?

I wonder because while Kakashi zaps things with the Chidori with his right hand, Sasuke seems to only use his left hand. I think all of them have to be ambidexious to some extent (would suck to die cuz you can't throw a kunai with your off-hand as well as your best hand), but it just seems kind of strange that his best jutsu, he's using with an 'off'-hand. Unless he IS left-handed, which makes his pouch placement strange.

Maybe he placed his pouch on his off-side (right, in this case) so he can get used to using his right hand as much as his left? Or vice versa with the Chidori?

Hm. I really should stop wasting brain-power pondering something so relatively pointless.


questions, ramblings

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