May 15, 2008 00:46

I'm alive (*'-'); Been too lazy to update since I haven't been doing much lately :>. I was holding off on updating until I got omega done but silly side o bacon kept pushing back and back and back and finally did it today (*'-'). Anyways, it's been so long I've forgotten a buncha interesting dreams I wanted to remember :( I need to make a habit of just writing it down when I remember ;x.

I woke up one morning dreaming about oreos omg :< I wanted to have one soooo bad since I haven't had one in about 3 years now lol ._.) I didn't get any oreos but however I did get some Milanos which are just as awesome but not as sweet :>.

Another one of my interesting dreams that I've had in a while takes place in a stone spiraly tower :>. Including me, there's a total of 12 people and we all don't have any memories of ourselves besides our names. So a creepy old lady voice is talking to us now and tells us that against the wall are 12 figurines that represent ourselves and hold a fragment of our memory in them. If we pick the correct figurine we'll be able to get our memory back but if we pick the wrong one arrows will fly at us, the memory will be safe though. There was also the option of just leaving the tower now with no memories at all. So there was one guy who said he didn't care whether he got his memories or not and he left :< one figurine disappears off the wall.

We notice that above the wall there's a picture inscribed of the 12 birth signs over each figurine, so that'd mean each of us belonged to a specific sign. We searched around some more for clue while some dude got impatient and just grabbed a figurine, turns out it was the wrong one and he got shot with a buncha arrows. We found 12 gold plates each inscribed with a different sign on it hidden in a trap compartment on the floor. So to test it out we had one person take a matching gold plate to a matching figurine and put the plate against the figurine stand. The plate stuck to the stone stand and he picked up the figurine but turns out it wasn't his. It appears that the plate cancelled the trap even though it wasn't his memory since there was no reaction. Each of us took turns trying the memories until the 11 of us all got the correct memories(Yea the got who got shot somehow only got grazed >_>).

Anyways we made it past the first level and gained some basic memories back, like who we were and what we did, however it seemed that everyone there had some sort of power that they didn't remember how to use. So a door opens and we go up the tower to the next level. The next floor mostly seemed like the same thing as the first floor cept there was a fridge and a door across from it. This time the old lady actually showed up and said that to proceed further we each had to individually pass a test, the reward would be our memories of how to use our powers and advancing to the next floor. The rest of us had to wait while each person went to take the test. Fridge had packs of caprisun and on the floor there was an open box with the same amount missing. Most of us took packs from the fridge while one-two took the ones from the box and chick didn't take any at all. So it's my turn for this test thing and the old lady told me I only had two tries and after that I'd be forced to leave the tower. It seemed like a simple game, there was a mic infront of me and a 3 sectioned column behind it. So apparently I had to sing old mac donald in a steady voice while I had to match all 3 pictures on the column at the same time. I failed the first time cause the column spun too fast but I learned that if I kept my eyes shut I'd somehow know when to press it. Eventually I passed the stupid thing and as I opened the door to the rest of the group I woke up >:| sdfkghersjg stupid self!

Last dream I can remember is fragmented all over the place. It takes place in the last community I've lived at before. I was walking around the community but it was laid out differently than what I remembered it to be. I met one of my friends and he was pushing some cart around, he says it's his job to deliver the food to people and I was like oh that's cool. Then this fucking showed up and next thing I know i'm on the floor somewhere and some guy is dropping "soul stones" onto me and they fucking sting like knives. I pop up and i'm on the floor of the restaurant that my friend works at. Dude there was like you're gonna need to earn your keep here not get the fuck out there and deliver this. Guy was bat shit crazy so I didn't argue; as i'm taking this stuff outside to be delivered, I get shot at by fucking sentries (the ones from TF2 as well) as I try to get out -_-. They're like it's there for protection, anyone who delivers stuff from this restaurant is able to out maneuver them. That would explain how I was safe on their floor but at the same time I can't help but to think how fucking useless is that if they had a buncha people infiltrate instead of a huge giant robot :|.

So anyways I somehow made it past the fucking sentries and I'm rounding the corner to the place i'm suppose to deliver this stuff to. I arrive at this pretty big church that's kinda situated in a barren plot of land with nothing around it. Then someone I haven't seen since middle school was behind me and she was showing me this video on her camcorder. The video was of this church and as it went around the church I saw a lot of people I haven't seen since middle school. The video keeps going on and after one round around the church it starts again except this time everyone is a little bit older. Everyone is doing different things each time, some funny, some pervy, some wtf is that dude doing being burried. I woke up after about the 7th time around when everyone was mostly adult age :<.

Welp that's all for the stuff I can remember this time :> I should get in the habit of just jotting it down from now on D:

Welp anyways on with ffxi D:! I've been lacking some stuff to do in game so I caved in and bought TF2 to play while there was nassing to do on ffxi :<.

I finally got to use my boreas cesti I got uh half a year ago while lvling with J and noxx on my monk ;3 Noxx has pics of that so I don't need to >:D. I do however, have a pic of me getting inventory +1 since I'm now 39 monk and I get new h2h :D

I spent a lot of time doing besieged and stuff catching up(getting ahead? >_>) on my sch with the rest of the set!

diseased wammy!

mihli's bag-o-tricks :>

General elfshit who-ground-striked-me-while-charmed-cunt using his move ;3

His/her name was really wannatrymykitty :|

Me and Stinky's guests runs on sundays have gotten bigger over the weeks >_>. We picked up momo's one week and this week we picked up maz too since he was bored :>.

me learning jettatura, plan aggro success!

Us doing fire in the sky afterwards :>

Stinky being a twat and I bet he forgets to check justingynus before sunday rolls around too :E

Afterwards me stinky and momo went to do sac escort for sam xps(I think? >_>)

And typically, stinky rolls around after we're done with our scroll with a 1300, the cunt :|.

Since we were in tav, we halped momos with his silly ufo organz :>

week before that we helped the slut with his doom boots which got me killed(first fucking time ever since i've been helping people with this D:<)

Spinel laughing at us for spending hours on our star necklace quest :||

epic death at 1 % -_-

This week we halped stinky do his codex for swifty beltu with lots of epic 2boxness >_>

So yea.....don't do without a thf and don't let momo blow up cause it's th-50


Speaking of pop nms, TP(TeamPlatypus) did a few soboro runs for people in ls a while back :> I got one for my awesome level 3 sam <3 delvling.

I also fucked around the sword event this time around and man I got gang raped D:<.

I was all kiting this galka? armor back to zone line when all of a sudden mithra whore comes outta NOWHERE and one shots me wtf?! 49 dmg to a lvl 1! gtfo

And she does it not once, but twice gfdi! and all I got was some shitty mochi :E

Here's some random ss of sch and af stuff :>

I look bad ass ;3

some sch xp shots too!

Syden rite of passage to rdm ;3 convert > wing cutter 4tw


DING gradumacation hat!

Don't I make a cute dancy cat? ;3 (p.s. ignore the red stuff! forgot to use hide on new windower :>)

and wtf how come sch pants are so much sexier on every other race besides taru >(

Finally got to do my Omega set that I've had stored for half a year now >:|

Raping "Alecxander" idb :>

I've never been more wrong in my life! and thank god too :>


Oh yea, AD got the chip, body, and feet drops too since I took pantsu ;3. Me with doobs who got body! D:

andddd a few random shots to end it !

Loth is secretly a thai ladyboy WUT

Crazy typing chick we had in pt! (Ignore the cyber tells ._.) )

Teh trifectas

me and huggles are teh chatterbox hoors

and lastly, I bring you teh majikcal tutus!

See you when I feel like updating next time ;3

besieged, limbus, dreams, sch

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