Really long stuff under the cut :>

Dec 28, 2007 15:37

I should really get in the habit if making tiny updates instead of huge ones :>. The only problem is I hate digging through ss to upload to PB then have it screw up on me when uploading.....three times -_-. So anyways I got off my ass and decided to upload stuff today and if you don't know by now I *really* hate holidays :D mention it and I'll stab you :>.(P.S. this update is going to be reaaaaaaallllllllyyyyyyy long >_>)

Ok before going on to the lovely ffxi stuff I'm gonna use this part to log these weird/awesome dreams that I've had :>. I always wanted to write down dreams that were pretty awesome that I remember but I keep forgetting to do it lol D:. Well now that I have this thing here I can just use dream tag to come back and read them yay!(so skip past wall of text for teh ffxi stuff :3)

Ok so first dream I had was at some institution that looked like a school and had an underground level to it as well. Some guy was planning to wipe out earth somehow by attracting some shit to crash into earth (yes I realize how corny it sounds when I read it as well but it's much more fun when you're in the dream). As time goes on shit starts going haywire on earth, earthquakes and shit break down major parts of institution and some how sea levels is rising like crazy(thunderstorms too ;3). So somehow everywhere is slowly flooding and the safest place is the glass(?) tower of the "bad" guy, which is fucking tall.

So as we start going up this tower from outside I can see water covering up the entrance at the bottom already(why'd we climb from outside? who knows). So we get to the top and do the epic break in fall down from ceiling bit into an empty office. We travel a bit to enter a square room with the dude sitting at some huge char with buncha controls all over the floor. Apparently it controls some giant robot that can stop w/e's coming but the genius says each of those controls moves part of the body(seriously why make somehting you can't use alone). So we each grab one and test out the parts(if I could draw I'd try to draw this funny looking robot :>) to see how they work, as we're doing this I see water slowly seeping onto carpet and I'm guessing it's from hole we made from break in. So it's all like shit we gotta hurry!

This is where it sucks though, I'm going to assume we blew up w/e the fuck it was cause next thing I knew I was staring outside the tower and ground level appeared right outside the fucking tall tower and people were trying to fix shit from ruins :>.

Next one is a bit more sad :>. Setting is some poor family somewhere consisting of a guy and his mom. The guy had mop head black hair, fairly tall and muscular. He finds part time packaging sweaters and I watch as bunches of clear boxed sweaters go pass me (all in fucking different shapes and sizes lol) and he goes to sleep all tired and crap. His mom tells him she can't make the parent teacher meeting in the afternoon cause she has to work and the guy's like huh w/e back to sleep. Scene changes to him sitting at a desk at school reading some black magazine with a orange star on the back of one side. He then gets called into room with some chick and guy wearing loltrench coat and hat(detective look?:>).

Detective dude then tells the guy that in his hand he holds the transactions to their family's account for the month. Guy is all like htf did you get your hands on something like that, detective was all like easy I just paid someone to get it :>. So he continues and says that there was an anonymous donation of 5,000 to their account this month and guy is all like that's impossible both his mom and him can't make that much. At this point I smack him over the head and say what do you think your mom's been doing(think this is pretty self explanatory -_-) and ofc he's all like noooooooo that's not possible etc. Then his mom meets him outside of school and tells him she's sorry couldn't make meeting but she didn't have to work so she slept in since she was tired and overworked from taking 4 jobs.

So guy is thankful that it wasn't what he thought it was and believes her and they start walking home while me and detective dude(chick dissapeared) are staring at them through a room in the school past the blinds. Now it woulda been good if it ended here but ofc it didn't. I asked him if he believed her and he turns to me and says what do you think. Then like some twisted movie saving the obvious plots to the end to spoil everything there were a bunch of pictures flashing by showing what the mom was *really doing*(pretty self explanatory here too -_-). At this point was just too creepy and I woke up, was 11 am but I was too fucking tired since been having dreams so I went back to nap?

Third dream is pretty short, setting is some obstacle course type thing where everything was grey and smooth kinda like the cermet in xi but grey :>. I walk around and see this Gman look alike dude from half life cept he was more human looking with shorter crew(?) cut hair, white lab coat, and glasses. He walks by me smiling(mind you he walks pretty fucking fast) and always dissapears when I turn around to try and find him(5 times). So continuing on I use some doo hicky to get across this ledge into a circular room with some machine thing in the middle hanging from the ceiling with the Gman dude standing to the side of it. So I'm like who are you and it responds I'm just a machine set here to talk with you and observe you. It then shows me video recording of me going through the courses(At this point this is like a total Portal rip off)but the AI seems retarded or something and just does program'd responses while not really registering anything I say to it. At this point I wake up and good riddance cause that shit was pissing me off lol. Talking to something with scripted response = frustrating D:.

I thought about splitting up the dream into different posts or like just copy pasta them later but I'd prolly be too lazy and forget soooo oh well :D this will all be under a cut anwyays! On wards to teh xi fun :>.

So continuing with fishing i'm like 46.5 now and skill up is soooooooo horribly slow jesus ;\. Fucking vimes jinxed me too! blackbeard on first ship ride :| Was all good though some rdm mpk'd fish botters by graving bones till they deagro'd by them haha. Turned in bout 30 marlins with no luck :>.

Hammy also helped me get penguin ring for when I need to use on ebisu fishes later(much later) on >_>

Also did holiday events for dream boots because they look fucking awesome(on everyone else cept tarus cause we can't see our fucking feet). I found this cute taru that looks good pair'd with my taru and took bunches of screenies ;3 Also got noxx showing off how she really dresses irl!

I also merit'd on my war for the first time in like 3 months since I've used it for odin or some shit. Reminds me why I never merit anymore, fucking pt was erkhgqwejrgetrwhgrth. Radec, memo, and me basically dragged the pt along. Fucking other monk was gimp and d/ced in like 20 mins, bard could barely keep songs up lol....rdm in dalm from foreal could barely keep a haste cycle on. 70% of time I either had haste or I had songs was so fucking frustrating and had to dual war tank with no elegy or slow on bird, just fucking dia 2 -_-.
Typically pt ended in like... 1.5 hours? lol bard was crying he was tired and was going to bed..... at 2 in the fucking afternoon or some shit.

Fianlly got my stupid disk to 100 on nyzul and got 2 denali hat. Slott 5/5 now and other rotted, yay. Got some nice rudo pictures though, wish he didn't swap gear so I coulda taken more terror poses:>.

oh whoops last one random salvage pic helped with :>, they all look the same anyways. Thinking bout looking for salvage group but don't really know if I wanna commit to something like that yet, least not till I see my schedule for next semester and where to get part time :|.

Also took dagger from 202-230 and got evisceration, took about 4.5 hours total. Nin with merc kris and beestinger is fucking cheating lol :> so addicting to hit non stop. Thanks stinky for teh lovely xmas present of doing dagger with me :D <3.

Speaking of evisceration, tried to do uh SE apollyon with loth last saturday. Was going pretty good until the fucking kraken boss on second floor.

seriously what the god damn fuck was that, 6 counters in a row left me wih liek 23 hp or some shit lol. Spent too long on kraken and timed out on skeletons :|. Though did win NE with stinky following wednesday so now I'm 3/4 chips for apollyon yay . Had a little mishap though on roc birds, fucking thing DA crit'd me and basically one shotted me lol. Also had shitty luck with portals(think was 3rd big bird -_-) luckily managed to kill shit in time for teh win.

Dunno where I'll go once I get 4th chip but I guess can worry about that later :>.

Did some more campaign/wotg stuff too. Giving mobs the ability doom is such bullshit, especially like when they can spam fucking ws over and over. Well all this guy did was spam doom and raped everyone lol

Hit new rank again, pretty easy D:. Notice how rongelouts always comes in to steal the poor guy's thunder everytime you rank up lol D:. One of these days that guy is gonna tell him to fuck off and he'll present me badge! I know it D:<

Hammy also invited me to kill sandworm with him out saruta :>. Was pretty easy fight, magic did about 500-600 dmg tier 4's nothing too bad. Zero also seems to only recognize me as penisfacetaru now yay :|. I coulda stunned the knockback silence move but I really wanted it to go off instead so I could take some screen shots lol >_>.

Also xp'd bst some with mac, was interesting I guess >_>.

yay for 64 D:< and update with extended jug pet is AWESOME :>. My funguar now stays out for an hour instead of 15 mins lol, stay is pretty hax I guess but when I tried to use funguar to tank it took waaayyyy too long to heal in between :|.

Now another edition of people's mog houses D:.

She doesn't even have a good bed GDI! vorm needs to redecorate her room while she's out :>.

Loth's mog filled with freaky mannequins and ww item D:. Grats to him on aces helm too :>. See those two pointy parts near end of the helm? that's for his ears, he's a mutant ;3.

Other randomness

Here's graves being....well graves D:

so tasteless indeed D:<

Looks like some other ls beat odin on bismark D: she has some pretty fucking awesome gear too, wonder what ls she's in :|.

went 1/1 on this thing >_____________> now I has int item for ranged kekeke.

Spent like 3 hours or some shit dying to this twatty nm for stinky's SS gorget holy shit. He read some post on KI saying we could trio it but failed miserably so we dragged momomomos out there to halps D:. Good thing it dropped too cause there was a lot of blood on that gorget! D:<

Vorpal wheel has such a cool animation that it never gets old being hit by it D:. Also a welcome back to Keeettthaa's friend Siam :>.

Grats to hammy on joining team purple rawr :3

When it rains it pours, so now there's a link to a vagina dentata movie holy shit. This is like getting outta hand! soon there shall be genuine reports of people getting eaten too >_>.

And finally, grats to Bina on her taru suprise! LOL :D

nyzul, fishing, limbus, dreams, wings

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