
Nov 17, 2007 02:58

K so it's 3 am and I can't figure out why I can't sleep :| I went to sleep at like 1 am yesterday so I shooouuuullddd be fucking going to bed now but I can't -o-.

So Friday night officially marked my first week since leaving lunarians and I'd like to say to all the people who didn't think I'd make it, hah in your faces whores D:<.

So I decided to give the blm enm thing a whirl again and this time it was the most ridicoulously easy fight I've ever done -o-.

bag of mulch A W E S O M E, wonder how they knew what I've always wanted D:.

Then me and stinky decided to go do some guests and nab rivernwort scroll.

shitty scroll but atleast I got my level! not long till 37 now kekeke.

SQUARE OF RAXA WOOO! an even shittier reward from guests :| I think it's still up on the AH right now lol.

Then kimchi was free so we went and did when cows take over hell enm!

that is some fucking awesome lootGot trash again >( and really don't think anyone would want a settler's cape >_>.

Also went to help stinky on 5-2 bc but ugh D: Didn't have any diremites on ah so I used tiger instead and we timed out on bc :|. On the way there stinky was torturing me with his insanely awesome jokes too.

see, awesome :<. Also did a bit of choco digging(9stacks today) but still rank 2 and all I got was some coral fungus from jungle >(.

Saturday morning I woke up around 7am to go xp with loth on my cor. I've become like a princess fucking bard corsair and after the few to none regular parties I've had, I really prefer just duoing with loth lol.

Swore the stupid puks just knew when I was gonna ws and kept owning me every time :|
Then we decided to go try imps instead because there were just too many people in thickets. I remember telling myself FUCK YES I DONT HAVE TO COME BACK HERE ANYMORE NOW THAT BLU IS 75....fucking l o l :E. Can't complain though I guess since khim isle duo xp was better than the merit pt I had today with riios >(.

On the same mob I ding on I learned dancing edge kekeke :D too bad I can't use it :<, maybe dancer will .

I also had a buncha these too which pissed me off cause I was wearing full r.acc. in every slot I could and didn't even swap gear for ws -o-.

At about 12 loth went to sleep and I decided to go farm lolbats in zi tah on blu/thf D:.

That was my result for one night :<, drop rates just aren't high enough I guess with th1? because I can kill pretty efficiently but that's only 20kish right there and people report getting double that in the same amount of time :|.

One of my higher dmg disserverments D:. I also tried to farm black tiger fangs after bats and man....that was the biggest waste of time ever lol. It's like 3 tiger fangs for 2100 but the drop rate on them sucks donkey balls even with thf sub -o-. The time it takes for me to get 3 tigers fangs I coulda prolly already killed 4 bats and assume they each drop one blood that's 2k -o-.

Ended the day with leeching a merit pt with riios, zero, gun, loth, and one hell of a sucky rdm who kept running low on mp with a cor and a bard and running all over the place -o-.

Least I got 71 though yay, 4 more levels to go >_> doubt I'll make it before expansion comes out though ;\.



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