Mar 07, 2012 16:56
So I have this story I've been working on when I have writer's block and it's not finished or anything, like most of my writing, but I've been debating putting it up here, but not posting it to the community. Drea's read it, she likes it, but again, not finished or even close to it. I just feel like I've been lacking in the posting department. lol It's silly, right? I just should just finish it first and not get into anymore of these half way done thingums.
Been working on As Time Goes By, but I managed, as usual, to write myself into a corner and I've had difficulty writing my way out of it. It's funny, how when writing sometimes something strange happens that you didn't really expect, but upon rereading, seems totally in character. Well, that pretty much happened, so this last chapter has been pretty difficult. Plus, JJ has been super busy with school and girlfriend. We talked a bit on where to go with the chapter, but neither of us have written anything. It's kind of sad.
I've been revisiting Where the Lines Overlap lately as well. I've had a couple people comment about the sequel and honestly, I've been thinking about it. The issue I've run into is that, I'm not sure what the plot would be. And without a plot, it would smut for smuts sake, it wouldn't move anywhere and it would become another unfinished file in my documents folder.
Anyway, if you happen to be reading this and have any advice or insight, I'd love to hear it. I have no idea why I've been stricken with this sudden lack of motivation. I had been writing so much for a while.
Thank you for reading my random rambling.
random thoughts