Oct 03, 2007 22:19
Once upon a time, there was a young boy who loved everything in the world. He loved the flowers, he loved the birds, he love the fish, he loved the forest.
But everything he loved broke his heart. The flowers died on him, the birds and fish were always out of reach, the forest became dangerous.
The little boy was sad and cried for many days. The pain in his heart grew and grew. Until one day he tore it out to see what was hurting so badly.
A scientist of ill repute happened upon the boy as he lay face down on the path in the dangerous forest, his still beating heart clutched in his hand.
"I can save this lad from his pain!" the mad doctor cried and scooped the boy into his arms.
Back in his lab, the scientist replaced the boys torn heart with an icy diamond pump to regulate his blood. He then gave the boy atomic power lasers and the ability of flight along with heat vision and ice breath.
The boy returned to the place he onced loves do much. He used his lasers and set aflame the fields of wild flowers. He flew up into the sky and cast down the birds, smashing their bodies upon rocks. He froze the lakes so the fish were trapped for ever in suspended hibernation. He burn the trees down with one might shriek of his fiery breath.
The mad doctor asked him "How do you feel after your revenge?" but the boy could not answer.
Cause no one feels with a diamond pump for a heart. They just move blood and cost a lot of money.