Feb 13, 2005 23:01
The reinspection of the house I'm buying was on Friday - pushed back a few days because of roofing contractor delays. It happened to be raining, so it was the perfect day to test the integrity of the new roof. Turns out the roof was the only thing ready for the inspection! Despite being "fixed," there were still several electrical problems: reversed polarity, non-powered or functioning GFCI outlets and exposed wiring. In addition, the heating and cooling company hired to get the AC, swamp and furnace in working order did nothing but say the systems weren't working and needed to be repaired! I'm frustrated that the seller's realtor didn't review the invoice after the contractors were there because he would have caught the mistake in time to correct things for the inspection. He also missed the fact that no one was hired to fix the one damaged rafter they were supposed to repair. Details, folks...
Since I really want this house, we are extending closing a week and giving the seller another chance to get the house repaired as agreed upon. I'm getting so anxious for this whole thing to be over with so I can get to work remodeling and moving.