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Aug 23, 2005 20:45

The Random Question Meme!

An array of completely random questions about my friends!
Does twisted_bunny21 understand quantum chromodynamics?No, but she'll have fun when she figures it out. Yay time-travel!What is the strangest thing forever_kitty has ever said to you?Meow.What will happymetalband be like in twenty years?Hopefully happier than he is today.If you had the chance to sleep with thief_zael, would you?Hell no.What would the minions of muskrat_john's army look like?He's already drawn them. Check out his "DorkTower" comics.What hobby do you think thewriteman should take up?He should relearn Irish Step-dancing.Whom is silentmwe attracted to?Probably another mystic wood elf.What kind of book would skyreeta and partlyjaded jointly write?Oh my! fleawort thinks it'll be random things that they thought up in fourth-grade, "a sort of deep-thought type thing called 'The Sperm Club'". Whatever it is, it'll be hilarious.Is tridus's spoon too big?Yes, now go away. What kind of question is that!What would your life be like if you had never met crickle321?Not a whole lot different, but I wouldn't have learned to love mispronouncing his name. Nugey.What kind of underwear does chuckdacamel wear?I don't know, but that's a funny question.Is the_last_rudie evil?Why do you think he's in the demon's family?Can lefemmetheatre become invisible at will?I'm betting she can. She's just hidden it from us!What is the most embarrassing thing you know about crazy_dave?He used to be a vampire.What animal does sneeuwfairy most remind you of?A deer.Doesn't chinaraven have anything better to do?Than talk about her baby? Nope.Where would you take mindefull153 on a vacation?Zimbabwe.What animal does terribletrent most remind you of?Umm... a dog.Can happymetalband raise the dead to perform common household tasks?Sure can. My littles are great!chuckdacamel: ninja, pirate, monkey, or robot?ninja secretly disguised as a robot in a monkey suit. Kyah-zap-oo-oo-ee-ee.What is the most embarrassing thing you know about fleawort?Crazy Dave, when he was a vampire, "drank" her blood--without breaking her skin. (I love you, sweetie.)Have you ever seen vinegareel naked?No, but I've had sex in his apartment. (He was the last tenant, I mean!)Is buttrfly_prncss best described as a badger, a mushroom, or a snake?Snake.Is stephenmv's spoon too big?Again with the spoons!
This is by heptadecagram. You can find your own completely random questions here.

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