(no subject)

Jun 01, 2004 21:28

DivaStar1511: can i get a bedtime story??
MajikChucks13: Another one?
DivaStar1511: yaaaa
MajikChucks13: Yeah, sure, whynot?
MajikChucks13: Wait, that's not porn?
DivaStar1511: yes lon, thats not bloody porn...

MajikChucks13: Okay okay.
MajikChucks13: Once upon a time.
MajikChucks13: In a suburban like area, not so far away.
MajikChucks13: In a town not so unfamiliar lived a graceful lazy knight.
MajikChucks13: This lazy knight's stallion wasn't a white pony
MajikChucks13: It was a 1994 Astro Van.
MajikChucks13: A GOOD ONE
MajikChucks13: So one day.
MajikChucks13: After watching a good episode of Springer of Jerrith, This Lazy Night, whose name is Lon, decides to go for a ride in his 1994 Astro Van.
MajikChucks13: *Knight
MajikChucks13: So he gets in his car and rides!
MajikChucks13: He stops at his local taco bell! AND WHAT DOES HE FIND!?
MajikChucks13: Lon approaches the 7-11, only to find that it's the group of bandits he wishes he never came across.
MajikChucks13: Anii and The Squerills.
MajikChucks13: They all have black handerchief with eye holes around their heads, and sacks full of money.
MajikChucks13: Anii demands at the overweight Mexican behind the corner holding her acorn launcher "GIVE ME ALL YOUR MONEY OF IL'
MajikChucks13: I'L!!!
MajikChucks13: The Mexican behind the counter screams in fear.
MajikChucks13: Dropping all the money into Anii's bag.
MajikChucks13: Anii then signals the squerills to leave and they hop into their tree mobile and drive away!
MajikChucks13: "TO THE LON CAVE!" Lon exclaims!
MajikChucks13: He drives in his 94' Astro Van to a home-duggen hole with a plunger and a non-fitting tinkerbell suit he bought his neice for halloween two years ago.
MajikChucks13: He puts on the costume and equips himself with the plunger, running at light speed at Anii's Tree Mobile to catch up with the squirrels.
MajikChucks13: He launches his plunger at the windshield whiper and with it's super suction pulls it off.
MajikChucks13: He climbs through the window and gets thrown out by Anii.
MajikChucks13: At a red light, Lon jumps through the window and crawls to the other side leaving through the window on the opposite side.
MajikChucks13: (I wonder were I got THAT idea;-)?
MajikChucks13: )
DivaStar1511: ((lmao))
MajikChucks13: Lon oppens the door, and pulls out the squirrels and ties them up.
MajikChucks13: Anii is running away in her SPPS Cheerleading outfit peeing as she dances away.
MajikChucks13: Lon slips on this pee, and can't follow in the persuit.
MajikChucks13: Only for Allison the Anaconda to COME OUT OF THE BUSHES AND TRIP ANII!
MajikChucks13: Lon gets up and walks over to were Allison tripped Anii and ties her up.
MajikChucks13: "Good job Allison" says. "I must get back to my husban Juan the Ogre, goodbye Lon"
MajikChucks13: "Goodbye Allison" Lon says and waves goodbye.
MajikChucks13: Lon and Anii have a long talk, and Lon convinces her to do good.
MajikChucks13: They fall inlove and get married.
MajikChucks13: They have 10134 little squirrel children and still live in a tree in that suburban town not so far away.
MajikChucks13: Anii's squerril partners find no point in doing evil and join the circus and have fun.
MajikChucks13: Allison later got eaten by Juan.
MajikChucks13: And mysterious Ska-man #1 skanked away to a ska show.
MajikChucks13: And everyone lived.
MajikChucks13: happily.
MajikChucks13: ever.
MajikChucks13: after.
MajikChucks13: The End :)
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