Dear Mana H. Banana~
A birthday is just the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun, Enjoy the trip...
Count your life by smiles, not tears…
Count your age by friends, not years…
Remember that you're not getting older, you're getting better…
Hoping that your day will be as special as you are…
Happy birthday~ <3
Hana L. Banana & Pana S. Banana
We subbed a video special for our best friend
sushi4ever ho is 23th years old now *group hugs*
Just our ordinary present for beloved Mana~ <3
translator :
majikaru_bananatimer :
lovu_lovu_aibaeditor :
massu_piggy hank you Sho-chan~ <3 our life saver XD
Link :
MediafireFilecloud*mirrorcreator will be up soon*
password : happybirthdaysushi4ever!
Please add (.rar) as file extension, then un-rar it with password given above~
Enjoy~ ;D