Oh my screaming Ovaries!

Nov 02, 2004 23:00

I actually had a conversation with someone over the summer about how when we see a small child our ovaries scream "I WANT ONE!!!" Today at the good ol' workplace this lady came in wiht this adorable 4 mo. old little girl. My ovaries kept screamign at me... I know I don't want one yet but eventually, someday, I do want children. In fact, I want to have at least 3, and maybe even adopt one.

I hope you all voted. It's you damn right, use it! The only way that you are allowed to bitch about the government to me is if you exercized your right to vote. If not, you may not bitch to me for a while, K?? I know it sounds bitchy but considering the fact that the lowest voter turnout rate is for our age group, let's show people what we can do.

After that little tangent, I must be off to bed. I have to work in the morning, have a grand night.

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