Not dead, just busy

Sep 02, 2006 22:36

Guess what!?!?!? i'M REALLY NOT DEAD!! How cool is that??? NOt too mcuh to report. Marja was here, now she isn't. Brooke and THea were here, now they're not. Katelynn went back to school so now I'm w/o female friends again. Went Bowling with Eric the other day and it ended up being Eric, Jason, Alex, Troy, Justin and me. Divine lack of estrogen there... Hmmm... Maybe I should really start haning out with more girls, maybe I would benefit from that. Oh wait! I got to all summer and then they left me!!!!


Back to my boy...

and updating my iPod...

Damn new CDs...

and not new ones I would necessarily admit to owning...

I suck
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