I can't come back, I don't knwo how it works!

Nov 21, 2004 18:18

Another one from the desk of me. Not much new. Mom will be home tonight, that's a big ol' yay!

I missed the "Beauty and the Beast" auditions, I'm kind apissed about this. They were friday and saturday but even if I had known about them I couldn't have done anything about it. I can't sing right now, my voice is gone. I was listening to the radio earlier adn I attempted to sing along but all that came out of my mouth when I trie to sing was air. No sound what-so-ever. It's ok I guess...

I've already been told that I'm workng almost everday in December. I hope that it's not the 7 shift. Any more of me on the schedule for 7 and I might just have to shoot myself. I now officailly cannot call in sick this week. Like I've mentioned, there's onyl 4 ppl. who can always work a day shift. One of the four is in the hospital, another one is on vacation, that leaves 2. We have one person who is able to come in tomorrow to help us start with the Thanksgiving baking, but for the rest of the week it will probably only be 2. It's doable, just barely. As long as we don't get too busy for lunch we should be fine. One cooking adn one takign care of tables. Whoever is cooking will also be taking care of dishes as they can but if we're suddenly slammed... we're fucked. I only hope that we are able to get people in at 2 to help instead of the usual 3. Too bad most of the employees are in the process of High School or classes at NMU. We really need to hire someone else. Thsi next week could be hell at its finest.

Enough of that. I'm going to go and take care of my sick body. I want to be completely better by Thanksgiving, holidays are no fun when you're sick. I should know, I've been sick for enough of them, the most memorable being the year that my mom adn I got the chicken pox from my brother. Merry Christmas! That was miserable, we stayed on the couch together and watched "Fantasia" it's all we had the energy for....

Ok, really... I'm done for now... I think I'm gonna go and shower. I always feel a bit better after a shower.
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