Sep 06, 2005 18:12
Well... the next day, (the 23 of Aug) I got my PSP. I love that thing. Clear and very great graphics. Nice sound too. When I watched Steamboy on it, The quality of the movie was better then my tv could ever produce. And having my headphones hooked into it, Amazing! Sounds like a movie thereater. God, that little thing is like almost a portable Silver Screen that plays killer games. I got Nintendogs the 28th. That is such a cute game. All the items in it. And the voice comands. Its so wonderful. Very fun and adicticting. Then work has been like a supper mad house since of back to school and tax free week. Been hanging out with Joey and or little Mikey every chance I get now. And I bought my tickets to Ironwood the 2nd of Sept. I am going. its going to be crazy. Just to meet everyone. I going to feel like I belong as soon as I get there. Like its my own town. I prolly have the best time of my life when I go. Today, the day after the tax free and all the little kiddies going back to school.... It was dead at work.... And I mean DEAD! I think there was only like 10 people that came into my department, My whole shift. (9 to 5) So I was working on fixing every rack in the department. Got to Carhartt and I got called up to the service desk. So I go up there and help this old man out. He was telling me all types of stories about himself. And what hes been thru. He had almost dead three times in his life. Can barly lift 20 pounds now. He was just a small little guy. I was just so glad to help him out. And I also remember, what he bought got and addition $5 off so I told Tammy about that and she took it off for him. He was a gental soul. And he has been thru a lot. And... Someday, Ill be thru a lot. Maybe not like him. I just hope I'm graced with a lot of life. And I hope I see the world. Well, thanks for listing to my story this week. When I get back from Ironwood, I'll have a story and pictures. So don't worry kids.