
Apr 07, 2008 16:39

I woke up to the dulcet tones of my brother and parents fighting over the shower at 5:30, an hour before my alarm. Texted my boss to say I'd be in at 9 instead of 8 (still eight hours of work).

At 6:00 or so, the cat begin to vomit on my floor. She wasn't on my bed, so I fell back asleep till my alarm at 7:30.

Carefully shuffled to the lamp, as the alarm sirened. The bulb blew as I attempted to turn it on.

Using a flashlight to search for various landmines, I made my way to the kitchen to search for paper towels. The parents used the last of mine the night before without telling me.

As it grew lighter, I went to the bathroom to shave. My electric shaver had ran out of charge. No shave today.

On the way to work, we were stuck behind a slow moving yellow construction vehicle.

At that point, I had given up and decided to put in a vacation day.

Heading downstairs to nab a vacation form, I find supvervisor tearing various bits out of the office printer. There's a small mound in front of it consisting of various torn up bits of jammed papper.

I went home, read the new dresden files book, and went back to bed.
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