So, I try not to bother you, my beloved readers, with political rantings. Things come to my mind, frequently things that I care deeply about, but I know that my voice it one of many, and so I frequently remain quiet and let the more experienced speakers voice our thoughts. But there's something I'm just bursting to say, and this is the only place I can think to say it:
I feel like I need to personally apologize to every homosexual or bisexual individual in California, which is the state I call home. I voted against Prop. 8, but maybe I should have done more. It never seemed like a real possibility that the proposition might pass. I know there are narrow minds out there, but I couldn't imagine that the MAJORITY of people in the state would be so hateful and closed-minded as to prevent one person from pledging their life to another. It really breaks my heart, and I wish there were something I could do.
I have spoken to a lot of smart people about this proposition. They were all against it, so it was hard for me to make a lot of forward progress in my thoughts and feelings on the matter, so I started to play devil's advocate with myself. I'm a reasonably smart person, perhaps not academically, but at least theoretically. And I couldn't come up with an argument in favor of the proposition that didn't involve the bible. Now, this could be where I am making my mistake, but I am pretty sure there are some pretty strong implications somewhere in the documents on which this country is founded that there is supposed to be some kind of separation between church and state. So if the only arguments in support of Prop 8 are religious, isn't that sufficient evidence that it shouldn't be, ya know, allowed?
There's also the argument (
diegothered really gave me this idea) that the government shouldn't really be in the marriage business anyway. What difference does it make to the state who is married to who? I understand the importance of civil unions, and the rights granted to significant others in times of distress and emergency are important. But why not just stop at civil unions. From what I've understood, a lot of people object to the term "marriage", because the Bible says that a marriage is between an man and a woman. So stop issuing "marriage licenses". Issues civil unions for everyone, at a court house, with a filing clerk, and if people want to get married in a religious institution, that is a private right in which the state has no business.
In any case, to all of you effected by this law, my deepest and sincerest apologies. I will pray to whatever forces will listen that this gets fixed somehow. And, as always, please remember...
Be well
Be loved
Love well