Sep 24, 2008 18:39
today was a pretty good day today.
i went for the rest of my orientation at my job. got to watch a bunch of old boring videos. but i met a cool guy there that was doing the same. he was so impressed that i just up and moved to california, and he was giving me tips and pointers. when i finished my videos and was about to leave, i said goodbye and he asked for my number and said he'd rescue me from valley boredom at night, we could go out for some beers. yay for new friends.
then as we were riding the bus home, some drunk guy crashed his bike into the curb, got up, put his bike on the bus, got on and started chugging the rest of his fourty. he then proceeded to lecture melissa on drunk driving, in that classic california manner. "once your body connects to the car and the car connects to the road..."
i climbed a mountain yesterday. i thought i was gonna die. apparently its more than 2 miles up. i was dyin'. a park ranger even came up and gave me some water. he was really cute! he all rode up to me on a lil' 4x4 and asked how i was doing and if i needed water, and how it was a hot day and he didn't want anybody to get heat stroke. i gladly accepted, but i felt bad, 'caue when he went to get the water out of his 4x4 one of