So I gave blood (B-, incidentally, which is pretty rare, so yay me! for my rare blood) and they took a long old time to find the vein. It drained quick, though, so I guess my blood wanted to leave me...
Anyway, it was my second time and it hurt, which it didn't first time. And I think I'll have a lovely bruise on my elbow, which will also hurt.
So I'm a wimp (but I knew that - hardcore TG me has no problems with pain...) so I'm going to go watch Serenity, even though the deaths make me sad. But I've had it four months and been saving it, so...
I ordered Sky TV for the flat, which for the unititiated is satellite TV , something I've wanted since I was about eight. And it's HD, so sexy looking programmes soon (Sport in HD, apparently, is amazing, and with the big tv/HD Sky/5.1 surround sound set up I'll soon have, I'll never need to go to any event again.) and... yeah.
If I seem drunk, that's 'cos there's a pint or so less of me than there was a couple of hours ago. I'm a bit lightheaded (also didn't happen last time...)