Oct 19, 2008 03:18
Numbers are my quantifiable Hell. I have nightmares about the Number Pirate Ship (don't ask) and they can quickly lead to an exponential panic attack.
So, should I counter my readership/circulation numbers as a blessing? Not to brag (ok, a little bragging because, damn I'm cool) but my words are read by about 750,000 people on an average week. After the "Spirit" article that number will skyrocket.
Should that matter? In some ways, yes, That's something to be proud of. On the other hand, I largely write about stuff that doesn't take a toll on people's lives. As much as I dislike what David Sedaris writes (granted, I've only read "When Engulfed You Are in Flames"), he does invoke emotions from people. That's a hard thing to judge in my business. Unless people write to a newspaper (and they publish it, because unless published most letters simply disappear) I have no idea what people are thinking.
At the same time, holy crap. Millions of people will read my article in "Spirit". Why my article? That's the terrible (turrible, turrible) downfall of someone who is not confident in this profession. Was it luck? Did I say something profound? Did I strike a cord with this particular editor? Why?
Regardless, it's happening and I'm proud of it. I opened up for that piece and I'm glad someone enjoyed it. I hope it brings thought provoking emotions to many passengers. Now, I need to open up for the Blizzcon piece, but that one is being sticky. Very hard to turn the proverbial camera on yourself... And those you hold closest.
Rambling much? I should email Becca, it's about time she's awake in India, no?