Vanilla Hazelnut Blend

Mar 13, 2006 09:18

I'd like to point out a few things that bother me in the world today...

People that hold the door for you. I can't stand that. It's like, "What? I can't hold the door for myself?" It's kind of an insult of my motor functioning. I especially can't stand it when somebody opens a door for you and does that thing where they just walk through the door and push it open really hard. That's not a real door opening, that's just a half-assed attempt at not looking like an asshole. I'll tell you something pal... mission FAILED! And how about when people that you barely know from some class a year ago are STILL saying hi to you when you see them walk by? What the hell is that?!?! I don't know you! You seem to be following me around and know my name even though I never really spoke to you in that class... how do you know my NAME!? It's people like that who make things in this world miserable. I guess it would be different if she were attractive.....

And what about those Zip-Sheet people? For those of you who don't know, Zip-Sheets are these yellow newspaper handout things that people SLAM you with on campus. It has things like "convenient" numbers and "coupons" you could get out of a phone book and by just asking what their specials are respectively. Papa Johns always tells you that they don't need the coupon. All those Zip-Sheet people do is succeed in making me feel disgusting about myself because they are as close to homeless as we get in the middle of the school day on campus. As if we don't get that enough from the low-life scum that hang out on the streets at night on the way to the corner store. You want my money? My cigarettes? Why don't I get you some arsenic to hasten your descent.

Oh, and those people who give blood, JESUS CHRIST! I can't stand them. Lording their high-mighty-attitude over everyone else. Wearing their little pins like they matter in the world. Why do they need to tell the rest of the world that they gave blood? Just so the rest of us can feel bad? Just so I can sign up to give blood and have the Red Cross call me every month and make me feel horrible for not having given blood lately. It's a racket. A scam. They don't use all that blood. The people worse then the blood givers are the ones that stand outside the bus and try to get you to give blood. How am I supposed to say no? The bus is right there, it doesn't take that long, and I don't have class. I guess I'll do it, because I don't want you to stand there and judge me from now until eternity. I was lucky one time and I was obviously sick. The other time I had to give blood. I lied and told them I hadn't been out of the country before 1989, or whenever. I hope somebody gets the cowpox, or something. Maybe it would be different if that nurse weren't ugly.....

Nice people. I can't stand nice people. They just piss me off. Why are they so nice? What's their fucking problem? If I needed them to be nice to me I would wear a sign around that said, "Hey people! Be nice to me!" But I don't do that, and I don't need them being nice to me and making me look like the pathetic loser that needs people to be nice to them. That's right, people who need niceness... losers. They need self-esteem enhancers and aren't confident with themselves. I'm confident and attractive enough to not need those nice assholes being nice to me. Hey Mr. Nice Guy... take a hint... get the hell away from me....

... and stop being so ugly.
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