MEME! >_>

Jan 24, 2010 06:42

I've been tagged, so like, I had to do it.

List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
Tag seven people to do the same.
Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it."

1)I adore the smell of gasoline. I dunno why, but ever since I could remember, I would love going to the gas station with my mom and just inhaling. I'd get all euphoric over it too, lol. But if you were to ask me to go to the gas station just to sniff gas, I'd say no. I'm so weird...

2)I don't like sitting down around friends because I am currently a fattie (am working on it). I'll do whatever it takes not to do so, especially in pictures. God I hate pictures.

3)If I like you, I fantasize about cooking for you. I have no idea why, lol, but I do. I love cooking for all my local friends, and if you were to swing by my house, I would whip you up a wonderful dish(es).

4)I don't like sitting with my back against a window or a door. Never have.

5)I'm psychic.

6)The more I care about something or someone, the less coherent I become when I try to articulate it. Go figure.

7) I love the mysterious stuff in the world and universe. I just eat up things like's article on Seven Books Lost to History (google it; it's marvelous and makes me angry/sad) and Voynich Manuscript. Give me a boatload of stuff like that, and I'm just like *_* Seriously.

8)An extra for good measure. I just got rid of a bunch of hair, mostly on top. Dunno how I feel about it right now, and no, lol there will be no pictures. I've got to dye it blue again (right now it's blonde in some places and aqua in others. *facepalm*

I tag...

chayenne7  littlexmuse lynnchan lovehotel  jellypencil  radioporn nightshade24 


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