Music Meme Day 6

Jan 14, 2019 10:05

Today's category...


19. Song you think is overplayed/overhyped
20. Song you know is overplayed/ overhyped but you dont care because you love it.
21. Song you remember was overplayed at a particular time but no longer is.

19. Song you think is overplayed/overhyped

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Bon Jovi- Livin' on a Prayer. This song was voted as VH1's #1 song of the 80s. I remember watching the countdown something like 14 years ago now. It's played a whole lot, and it's fun song. Justin really hates Bon Jovi, I don't even really understand the reason. I think it's that "Cowboy" song that he especially hates. But I dunno 80s hair bands aren't everyone's thing. I think maybe "Bohemian Rhapsody" would have been a good choice here. I actually like Livin' on a Prayer more than Bohemian Rhapsody, I know, travesty.

20. Song you know is overplayed/ overhyped but you dont care because you love it.

And keeping to the "prayer" thing...

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I really like this Madonna song, it's probably been overplayed the most out of all her hits. It's just really pretty and I like how "scandalous" the music video is.

21. Song you remember was overplayed at a particular time but no longer is.

I think it was some Janet Jackson song from my youth which I remember hearing on the radio on a daily basis.

Together Forever-

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Although it says this song came out in 1997 and the song that I'm thinking about way earlier than that, but I guess this works too because they don't play this song much anymore.


1. Favorite song with a color in the title.
2. Favorite song by a band with a color in its name.
3. Favorite song which evokes a particular color.


4. Favorite song with a number in the title
5. Favorite song from a band with a number in its name.
6. Favorite song that reminds you of a particular age.


7. Favorite song with a shape in the title.
8. Favorite song that describes a shape in its lyrics.
9. Favorite song that evokes a particular shape.


10. Song with your favorite lyric.
11. Song you judge to have the best lyrics.
12. Song with the worst lyric/s

They died too young

13. Favorite song by an artist who died this year(2018)
14. Favorite song by a band you know would have gone far if a member didn't die.
15. Favorite song by a singer who died long ago.

Energizer Bunny

16. Favorite song by a group who has been together over 30 years.
17. Favorite song by a group who has been together over 40 years.
18. Favorite song by a group you cant believe is still together.


19. Song you think is overplayed/overhyped
20. Song you know is overplayed/ overhyped but you dont care because you love it.
21. Song you remember was overplayed at a particular time but no longer is.


22. Song from band you believe is underplayed/underappreciated
23. Song you may have heard on the airwaves a couple times, but think it should be played more
24. Song you can't believe is never played.


25. Song you knew from first listen would be a hit.
26. Song you are not surprised became a meme.
27. Song from an album of a band that you believe needs to venture out (into new styles or genres) more.


28. Song that friends would be surprised you are into.
29. Song you do not believe belong to a particular band.
30. Song that became an unprecedented hit.

I'm actually looking forward to this week because again Supervisor will be out for all of it except for today. Already she's irritated me with something today because first thing she was asking if she could put this collection she's getting underneath the other set of processing tables across from me. There is really no where else for it to go. Everything has to sit on the floor somewhere because she's gathered so much crap that there is 0 shelf space for it and I constantly have to be moving boxes to get to other boxes and folders. She actually was supposed to view this collection in Austin and pick the stuff that was to come here, but no plans changed and it's all coming here. It has something to do with this Texas Park Ranger's materials. I feel like 90 percent of it will be garbage that should go into the dumpster, but any time anything makes its way in here, it NEVER leaves. It's going to go sit on the floor right next to these cut up newspapers from around 2014. They are duplicates of ones we have in our collections. I keep telling myself that soon it won't be my problem and I will never have to deal with it again, but it's like I haven't had a job offer yet.

A lot of this weekend was dedicated to cleaning and I will admit that Justin did a lot more of it than me, but it's because he had to clean his room and he had a LOT to clean in there. New rental manager is coming over today to do an inspection/walk through. He complained that I did nothing, and maybe it felt like nothing compared to him, but I don't keep my room as a trash pile, so whatever. We argued again this morning because again he took forever walking out the door and made us late yet again. I am so tired of him doing this. I need to actually enact my threat of leaving him to walk to work.

Diet is ok. I don't think I did great last week so I didn't really lose weight. No gain though, so that's nice. I'm afraid it will be the same this week because of my trip, so I'm going to try extra hard not to break my diet today- Thurs.


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