Feb 06, 2007 09:55
So I really should be doing my drawing homework... because if I don't, I'm going to get my first B in uni... EVAR.
Which would suck.
But I'll do it later. I only really have to do one set to make the prof. happy, so three heads... which shouldn't take THAT long.
Anyway, so a bunch of stuff has happened recently... don't remember where I left off though.
So Ilia's mom knows everything now, lol. She asked him if he and I have slept together... and even though Ilia didn't really answer, I think she knows what it is. She keeps telling him to use a condom... but I don't like condoms.
I don't think he does either.
So instead, he asked her about the mini-pill, and he's going to talk to her doctor about it, see if he can get it. We researched it... and so far it looks good. No side effects that I can discern yet, though I will be certain to ask the doctor about it. The only trouble is that I have to be vigilant about taking it every day, at the same time.
And it won't start working until my next period.
I'm kinda nervous about taking it, I'm not used to medication. But it's scary taking the risk. I don't want to get pregnant yet, yanno? I mean, obviously (and Ilia and I have talked about this), if I get pregnant, we're going to get married. But I don't want to get married for a reason like that. And when Ilia and I do tie the knot, I want to keep him all to myself for at least a couple of years before we start having children. He wants the same.
Anyway, it's been a little harder than I thought 'abstaining' for the past week... less than a week, actually. xD
He has this kiss that just drives me up the wall... it's f***ing amazing.
And I think I do the same to him, with a certain kiss of mine...
So we've been doing our best, which is pretty good... we have good self-control!
My computer is being fixed... Ziad is fixing it for me, yay! It should be working properly when I get home, so he'll be giving it back to me at 6th circle around 2 today. And then we're all going to get stuff for lunch and eat at my place. And we have yoga today. And I really want to get Warcraft... they're getting the new one for my birthday, so Ilia, Murad and I can play together.
Sammie.... you should give it a chance! It's so addictive! And fun! And then we'd all hang out together on Warcraft after classes, and freak out the other players!
I started playing on Ilia's computer a couple of days ago. Level 8 bloodelf huntress. Going to do the bloodelf huntress again, probably. But when I play alone, I like melee characters... but since I'm going to be playing with Ilia and Murad... well, I'm probably going to force someone in my party to be melee, so I can be a hunter and have an awesome pet!!! I get my pet in two more levels! And then I'll have to abandon that character... lol...
Oh well.
So I was at Ilia's house last night. Pretty much as soon as I got there, I logged on to WoW and was playing, but then Ilia got a headache, and I lay down with him, because he didn't look like he was feeling well.
LOL... then I started not feeling well. And then I stole his jeans and put them on... the really baggy ones he never wears... and they were soooooooo comfortable. And then we played chess... and I won the first game, which was cool, because I NEVER win! And if we'd finished the second game, he would have won. But it was getting late, and I had to go home, and we wanted to cuddle a bit first. Because I still wasn't feeling all that great.
And I didn't want to go home, and be all alone... it's so lonely in my house. It's a big house... and I'm the only one who lives in it... except my maid, who doesn't speak Arabic very well, doesn't speak English, and is a little scary sometimes, she likes me a little too much... lol.
I wish I could have at least listened to his voice last night... when I was going to sleep... but I didn't have my phone, I'd forgotten it on campus, and my friend had it... so I couldn't listen to that recording I'd made of us hanging out together. And I had to use my grandmother's alarm clock, which sucks.
Oh well.
Anyway. I can't wait for work to be over today, so I can go to 6th circle and get the fun part of my day started.
Oooh... made a new friend, who makes Ilia very jealous. He's a silly bean... he gets jealous fast.
His name is Mohammad, he seems so lonely here. He used to live in Texas, so we have a lot in common, which is AWESOME!!!
Anyway, I invited him to have lunch with us, and to yoga, and to hang out with us today. Gotta call him to make sure he knows to be at 6th circle campus at 2. He's a fun guy, very nice, very sweet. I'm the only one who bothered to get his number to make him feel more at home here though...
-pokes Samyah-
Which is probably the why of Ilia's slight jealousy. Aside from the fact he's a cute, athletic, and nicely buff (not too buff) guy. Probably the kind most girls go for, actually. xD
Murad thinks Mo likes me. But I think he's wrong. I think Mo respects me, and likes me as a friend, because I'm bothering to show an interest in him, and because we do have quite a bit in common. Like Wal-mart. And Target.
We have two 7Elevens now... I don't know where they are, but Mo discovered them the other day! They're really new, but they're exactly like the ones in the US! Aww, I have to go see them... I miss 7Eleven!