Sep 14, 2006 03:34
Welpers. It's becoming too terribly obvious to me that my life is far to caught up in the ordeal of string.
For those of you who aren't one piece nerds, I'll explain. The ordeal of string is where you've been romping through a forest, intent on an objective, only to realize that along the way you've become trapped in so many threads that you can't move. You're entangled.
And that's how I feel right now. Entangled.
It's mostly because I didn't allow for things to change, I didn't prepare for the constant erosion that comes in life, and am surprised to find myself imobile, and weathered.
sometime...soon...I will have to stop maintaining the things that drain me, cut out the people (and cut out is so strong) that are dragging me down. holding me back. or just flat our cumbersome. Like a seven mary three song.
the threads of fate are in my way, and I have only so many directions left to go.
I'm sorry Jon (not that you could find your way to this page). It's time we went our seperate ways.
To the house of b'town, you will be missed.
To the cloroflourocarbon group, You may be toxic, but I'm reserving judgement.
To my favorite ex-- I'll never stop loving you.
to my least favorite ex-- I hope you are wel.
To the only ex that matters-- I'm sorry that I helped you go the route you did, but I'm not sorry for the choices you made.
And to every other girl out there who captures my attention, I'm wish I was less capricious, but if there was more substance, you would have a better grip.
That's about all for now.