So I haven't talked about Lily's tank in months. I've made so many changes since moving back to college.
This was moving right back. I got rid of the lily, changed the driftwood, and put some fissidens moss on the driftwood. In the middle of the move, my light was left behind so I was borrowing my housemate's desk lamp.
This was after I got my lamps from Home Depot and also after my order of plants came. There's some mayaca (the tall plant), dwarf baby tears (the bushy stuff in front), crypt parva, and some ludwigia repens 'ruben'.
I got rid of the water wisteria. The ludwigia 'ruben' stems I got weren't good and they all rotted away. The red plant is ludwigia 'red', and those stems were fine.
How my tank looks since early December. The dwarf baby tears carpetted, I added some baby tears (middle between the mayaca and driftwood), water sprite (top left), and more italian vals, which I have to say has grown beautifully. The vals I got this time were much more robust than the ones I got last time. The ludwigia red is still here (behind the baby tears), but has lost its red since it's not getting much light. But it's finally picking up its growth rate, and I the leaves closer to the light are getting redder.
Since this picture, I got rid of the dwarf baby tears (they were starting to get brown and grow hair algae), and got some staurogyne repens. I am also considering getting rid of the water sprite and mayaca and add some hygrophila species in here. The water sprite looks good in the picture, but it's taking over the tank with its growth. But we'll see.