Saturdays are for spiritual stuff

May 02, 2011 10:55

This Saturday was packed to the rafters with spiritual stuff.

I'll put it all safely here .
On Saturday, Earth Spirit was having a get together at the fells. rintrahroars was interested in attending too, so I picked her up early, we had a tasty, lovely breakfast, and then headed up. Now, while this particular event has been at this location for the last three years, this was the first time for me to go there, and it was my first Beltane event too.

My spiritual guides are heavy handed sometimes; let me show you how. As I mentioned, I'd never been to this particular site before, in all my visits to other parts of the fells. I had mentioned to dannarra that I would be going to a spiritual event this weekend, but that was all of the details I shared - not who or where or anything else. When rintrahroars and I arrived at the site, we were early by about 30 minutes. I suggested we do some exploring. We headed back onto the trails, randomly taking one of several possible trails. After a short bit, we came to a major, left-right split. rintrahroars suggested that we go left, but I wanted to go right so we went that way. Moments later down the trail, I spotted dannarra coming the other way down the trail, walking her dog. By random coincidence, she had stopped at this area, where she'd never been before, on her way back from Boston, to walk her dog and explore. As such, dannarra went along and helped with the set up of the Beltane ritual, which started just a little bit later. rintrahroars commented that it was interesting watching dannarra and I somehow homing in on each other, as if via GPS signal. It felt right and appropriate, but also there was the touch of pushy-spiritual-world to it. dannarra, unfortunately, couldn't stay for the ritual proper (since she had her very high energy dog with her), but her presence and contribution was helpful.

We helped set up the site, and then the rituals began. They flowed very well, and the energy was very up. Many folks that I've only otherwise seen at Twilight Covening showed up. It was great to see them. There was a lot of vitality among the group of folks, and not just because of the number of babies that were present. There was a radiance, even when clouds covered the sky. I participated in my first May pole dance. We set up a peace cairn. We sang and shared. At one point, I opened up and saw everything nearly burning with green; the ground itself was great rotating, interlocked wheels of green, turning under the feet of the gathered. I couldn't help but smile, it was all so positive and filling. It was a great welcome to this new spring. It was also wonderful to get to share this experience with rintrahroars, on the one hand because she'd been wanting to get out to such and event and on the other hand, because, you know, I'm fond of having time with her.

In the evening time, I got together with omly to work her sigils. This was her first time doing this with me. It went fantastically. The sigils flew out, by and large. There were a few areas of difficulty for me. Some parts of her were dotted with intentions and structure that I didn't want to mark - it felt ... hurtful, and I didn't want to participate in it. However, my mentors were there to help, as typical for me. They reminded me that the sigils are not mine - they belong to the participant, that they embody the goals, plans, desires, and details of that person, where their energy is engaged or trapped, and my role is only to show them, to open and clear them, and to give a moment in which they might be seen and reflected upon. In a few cases, I was sang through the work - one entity sung through me, settling me and letting me see clearly and work cleanly, without my own interference. By that, I succeeded.

Post the sigil work, omly and I discussed the work, and she had many distinct experiences and feelings associated with the various marks. She also ran into the same articulation problems that I have when I try to speak about the feelings of a given sigil. It ends up, sometimes, being like trying to explain how purple tastes. Words are unhelpful, or only make suggestions in the direction of the nature of the sigil. The sigil might seem to be like feathers and like crystals at the same time, even though its nature isn't anything to do with those - save for the feeling those words evoke. Even with these limits of language, we managed very gracefully to discuss them. It was very satisfying.

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dannarra, outing, spiritual, sigils, omly, rintrahroars

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