Snow Emergency Pic-Post

Dec 18, 2008 14:47

Tomorrow afternoon is the normally quiet time in which pic posts are drawn together and brought into their full glory. However, I happen to know, because I am there now, that this time tomorrow, I will be valiantly attempting to avoid being killed in a rapidly advancing snow storm. Now, in some iterations of reality, this snow storm is The Snow Storm, the first of the snow storms that will begin to wildly spring up across the earth until all is covered in snow and ice. However, fortunately for you all, this isn't one of those realities. Ne'er fear. You have at least a good couple weeks left. Perhaps even longer. *looks* Hard to tell from way over here.

Anyway, since I won't be at my desk tomorrow afternoon, that means I won't be crafting a pic post to fend off your afternoon boredom. So, what I'm going to do for you, cuz I care, is craft tomorrow's post today. Yes, I can do that.

There has been too much in way of delicious edible things about lately, and they are all carbs, all the time. Know what I need... some kind of non-carb-y delicious thing upon which to munch. Hrmmm...

Perfect. Heart-stoppingly perfect! I can feel the bacony-goodness flowing through me!

Ya know, the latest round of batman movies, they are the best there have ever been. However, sometimes, you can lose perspective on how awesome the current batman in film is. Thus, as contrast, I provide the following:

Sadly, as a child, I consumed many hours of Adam West as batman. And I'm not just talking about all that stuff that led up to me having to point to naughty places on a doll while sitting in the witness box.

Speaking of how things in film have improved. I frequently hear folks saying that all the good movies have been done, and everything is just repeats now. However, not all the awesome ideas have come back through circulation yet. For example, this piece of pure theater gold...

What I like about it is the everyman quality of the story. I mean, who among us can say that they haven't, at one point or another, unwittingly trained a dolphin to kill the president? Come on - be honest!
There you go - doesn't that feel better? It's true, almost all of us have done that, though some of us may have been doing it wittingly. You know who you are.

and while I am on the subject of movies that need to be remade...

Come on! It's got everything! Bees! Girls! Love! Who could ask for more?

Some friends of mine, out there on teh internets, have been feeling contributory lately. For example, nex0s thought that I might well find this amusing:

Boy, is there anything the Nazis can't make funny?

nex0s and beowabbit both thought that I had to see this next one:

Ya know, devils are just a bit more subtle than that. Let me show you how I mean.

Here, for example, some guy playing with fire:

You might think, he could be a devil, look at those devilish actions, and his mastery of fire; you may even be getting the urge to burn him at the stake. A perfectly natural and rational response. However, I can assure you, this guy, just an entertainer, not a devil.

No, no, a devil looks more like this:

As Bartholomew once said "Because nobody ever suspects the butterfly! Muhahaha!"

Further things from the sent-to-me files - gardenfey had this:

Now, I know what you are thinking - "gardenfey? Wasn't she eaten by those New Hampshire cannibals a few months back?" No, no, I assure you, she is alive and well, locked safely away in a attic, busily weaving her hair into a rope that she hopes to use to escape her predicament. I'd go and help her out, but she's already put so much work in that I don't want to make all her efforts seem like a waste of her time. I am always thinking of others like that. I'm just considerate that way.

My regular contributor, the_xtina sent me over a LoLcat, knowing that I'd have a special appreciation for this one:

That appreciation comes from the fact that I was there, in the beginning of LoLcats. I knew this cat. Certainly, he's not around anymore, but if he was, he would no doubt say to me: "Lulz! UR Old!"

Now, this pic is a scene directly from my day-to-day life at home:

The girl in this strip is playing the part of dannarra from about two weeks ago. We had to take the bag away from her and throw it away so she could stop eating them.

In case you were wondering "majes, have you been secretly watching me?", welllll....

It's not so much a secret; you did, after all, leave your window open. Plus, sometimes I do look around at other things.

Ya know what I like? Sunsets at the ocean. For example:

The only problem is sometime one of my x-girlfriends will show up, since many of them were also sunsets at the ocean lovers. Now, I get along pretty well with most of my Xes. However, some of them are a little hotheaded if you know what I mean? No, no. Not like that - like this:

On the plus side, they use their burning heads to their advantage in terms of arranging for thier transportation needs.

I haven't just dated hot-headed ocean lovers, as this lovely lass shows:

Now, truth be told, she did love the ocean, but she was far from hot-headed. However, she was always so busy, she barely had any tentacle time left for me at all. Ultimately, we drifted apart. I understand that she is organizing weddings nowadays. She apparently has a head for it.

In the news, kittah scientists have been working on developing advanced hovercraft technology for years now. They have, of late, made some slow but solid progress towards this end.

Unfortunately, the kittah scientists are going down a technological dead end. In the future, we won't be riding in hovercrafts, or in flying cars, or even travelling via tubes. No, the wave of the future: bio-engineered fantastic mounts, as shown in this pic from the future:

I'd buy that for a dollar!

Know what I'll also soon be able to buy for a dollar? Houses! Yeah, the market pretty much keeps going this way until you practically have to give houses away. The downside? Only about 1 in 40 mortals actually lives through this time. This leads to some sparse neighborhood designs:

Now, you might think "Only 1 in 40 mortals lives? That's so sad!" Actually, you know what's sad? This doll:

That is one sad doll! Even the doll's doll is sad!

Yeah, I have to look at something different to get the image of that doll out of my mind. Let's see, what've I got here...

Well, that's a little better. That's a pretty orange toad. Still, I'm not quite away from the doll image yet.
Ah, here we go - a pic of one of the more popular models from the realm of structured disorder:

Wow. Sexy entity is sexsay!

Now my heart is all a flutter. What is it you mortals call this feeling? It's like when the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie? You know what I mean... A moray? No, this feeling is more than that; Perhaps two morays?

What the hell was that noise? It was like thousands of geeks sighed at a bad pun all at once and then were suddenly silenced. Well, fine. Here, have some Star Wars related humor:

jasra frequently expresses such feelings regarding railings when we are running around the twisty city tops in Warcraft. They are certainly not up to OSHA standards.

Alright folks, that's about it for today. Soon, I'll be heading home and meeting up with ifuonlyknew. Hopefully, she is all bundled up from the cold that has settled in. Not just because I want her to stay warm; it's also because she looks sexy in her little winter outfit. You haven't seen it? Here's an artist's conception:

You might be wondering about that kittah she's carrying. It's not really a cat at all. jasra can assume kittah form. It's handy for her, because then she can be carried over icy places.

dannarra, ifuonlyknew, jasra, devil, warcraft, xtina, beauty, nex0s, food, silliness

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