Jan 21, 2010 22:23
First week back to school and while I love it I am soooo glad it is over! I'M FUCKING EXHAUSTED!!!
And since I'm all out of shape (I figure a circle is a shape but apparently I'm wrong on this count) my legs hurt from the 1,000,000,000,000 stairs I had to climb this week.
That may or may not be an exaggeration. If you're asking my legs, it damn sure isn't.
I honest to God have nothing to say but I'm determined to try and use this damn journal!
And you better believe I'll be reccing shit on here. I've got music and fic galore lined up.
But still, I figure I can throw down my ideas and all on this thing, so I might as well.
We shall see...
BTW I totally just noticed that I type on here the way I take notes, with spaces between thoughts. It is a tad off putting.