So gay

Apr 18, 2007 21:04

Why are so many songs of gay iconography getting stuck in my head? First I woke up with Ms. Diana Ross' "I'm Coming Out" and now "I Will Survive" by Gloria Gaynor, which I totally blame on blak. I think I blame the former on blamblazer now that I think about it, though it was entirely subconscious I am sure.

I finished reading A Room With A View today, and despite having that I-don't-really-want-to-put-this-down feel that all of Forster's novels have for me, I cannot recommend Room as it was frightfully dull. To me it seemed to be quite a stumbling straight version of Maurice, a far superior and often overlooked work. I thoroughly enjoyed Where Angels Fear to Tread so I will continue to check Forster's novels out of the library after I return this one next week. I have decided he is one of my favorite authors. His most famous work is just bad.

Speaking of authorship, I have decided I need to devote some serious time to short story writing. My technique is slapdash and my endings atrocious. I have a lot of ideas, though, so now seems like a good time to work on them. I've been working on one (a Mother's Day story) during my breaks at work.

Off topic, but here it is. I don't like being upset with people, but upset I will remain until he calls me. Now to work out my frustration on writing.
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