so yeah stuff happens

May 12, 2006 20:33

i figure i should update this or something, but as soon as i figure out what i am going to say something else happens. how does one deal with this ?

so the events that i liked
anna coming down, only for a week but made me so happy
getting a job, and a job offer, hehe ego boost. no ego bad but i did need a pick me up.
getting to know milo better, such a nice german
mewse inviteing me to bali :D
getting in touch with erin again
being able to do a real shop for the 1st time in years, i bought peperdews ( that dave ate)
getting a hole put in my ear

events i didn't like
late unisa assignments
to many dishes
having to deside between jobs
being so far away from shelly, even though she seems to be fine, would still like to show this person not to mess with such a lovely person !
dave eating my peperdews
realizing how stuck up cape townians are

OK that was not so bad and i didn't even have to write a full sentence.
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