two great things happened to me today, actually three, 1) i didnt fail my vocab test 2) i am finnallly happy about my background **isnt it cute?** and 3) i know my vocab make-up words inside and out and backwards! and at 8:25 at night i am finnished with my home work!! also, speeking of hmwk, i took a short 5 min. break to play my mom in basketball, an i won 24 to 14. it was so funny, cause she didnt know how to check the ball, when to take it back, when to check, when to shoot, how to dribble, how to shoot, and i was laughing so hard i almost peed my pants!! uhh... good tomes good times. so now i am taking my time, writing in my live journal.
i was on the phone with sara conroy, and she had minor stomach surgery, so she wont be abe to be in school tomorrow or play in our LAST basketball tournament on saturday. so me and marielaa are doing something special for her tomorrow so when she gets back on monday she will know she is well lovvveeddd! say a prayer for sara so she gets better!
her is a thingy from mars. journal
+ YOU +
[1. Name] M dawg (mallory if your boring)
[2. Birthday] June 29th baby!
[3. How old are you? Do you like your age?] 12 and 3/4ths no i hate it! i want to be 13!!
[4. Astrological sign?] Cancer
[5. Where were you born?] royal oak michigannn
[6. How many siblings do you have, and do you get along with them?] 2 sisters and 1 brother (mariella your lucky)
[7. What school do you go to?] Smith Middle School
[8. What school are you going to after your finished with this one?] Troy High School .
[9. Are some of your friends going to that school with you?] yeah! but ill miss the ones going to athens
[11. What are your school colors/mascot?] black and gold /// knight
[12. Do you/your friends have school spirit?] yeah! we are ceerleaders!
[13. Do you like your school?] yeahh , love it
[14. Have you ever ditched class by yourself?] uhh sort of..
[15. Have you ever ditched with your friends?] kinda, anna
[16. Have you ever dropped a class?] no
[17. Ever skipped a whole day of school?] yeah! me and my mom ditched school of a movie! it was so tatally awsome!!!!
[18. Ever gotten suspended?] no way
[19. ice cream] mint chocolate chip
[20 color] pink blue
[21. Beverage] pepsi (for thoes who think young!*)
[22. Number] 00/34
[23. Famous person]: none
[24. Website]!
[25. Football team] MSU! MSU!
[26. Basketball team] Raiders ! or MSU again
[27. Baseball team] tigers or arizonas team!
[28. Sport overall] horse back riding alll the way man
[29. Food] popcorn, chocolate, ribs, calamari
[30. State in the U.S] Michigan
[31. Flower] roses
[32. Subject in school] L.A.
[33. Type of music to listen to] lots
[34. Music artist(s)] tons
[35. Weather condition] 68 - 70 degress and a litlle windy
[36. gone fishing?] duh
[37. went camping?] chhaa
[38. Been on a cruise?] i will go soon
[39. Watched the movie "Titanic"?] yeahhh! i cry every time
[40. Went caroling at Christmas-time?] mickeys chrismas party!
[41. Snuck out of your house at night?] ....yessss
[42. Stolen your best friend's boy/girlfriend?] no
[43. Stolen anything?] i dont think so, if i did i dint know
[44. Went skydiving?] i wish!
[45. Been to ground zero where 9/11 happened?] no
[46. Been to more than 5 states in the U.S.?]uhh..yes i have!
[47. Voted in a presidential election?] not yett
[48. Met a really really famous person (if so, who)?] YES! i met tom cruse at summerset! it was so cool!
[49. Been rock-climbing?] yea yea yea
[50. Been to a professional sports event (i.e NFL game)?] PiStOnS!
+ DO YOU +
[51. Own a LIVESTRONG bracelet?] yes like everyone does now
[52. Know someone personally/related to someone who is famous?] my uncles song was on the radion tons of times.. does he count?
[53. Know the Muffin Man?] i know someone who sells muffins! hes my neighbor!
[54. Like strawberry-kiwi flavored things?]i like key-lime better
[55. Like sarcasm?] yeah! it cheers me up
[56. Pre-judge people?] im sorry but yes, i think everyone does
[57. Have a short-attention-span or sometimes think you do?] no way!
[58. Think you were blonde in your past life or blonde now?] pshh! no gosh!
[59. Get bored easily?] yes, my hair color im bord with now! i want to color it red!
[60. Like surveys?] yeah, thats why im doing this!
[61. Hate when surveys are over?] yes, because then i have to do something else time consuming
gosh darn it! its over! ok now i must go practice the piano
ps~ i might not maybe do track... im sorry!