... clearly have too much time on their hands! LOL!
Just had to share this, thought it was superfunny!
http://www.flickr.com/photos/hobbified/tags/tardis Aidy, one of my mIRC friends found it!
Now I must be off to do some last minute flat cleaning! My friend Janine is coming to visit me over the weekend and after 2 weeks of being sick (still am, btw) my flat looks like a bomb went asplodey. LOL! Of course I could have done the cleaning over the past 2 days since I know Janine is coming but lalala that is me... procrastinating things until the very last minute!
Don't expect me to be around much today and tomorrow while Janine is here and we're going to see Dark Knight in the cinema tonight. Still a bit freaked out by the idea of seeing Heath but it should be still good.
See you on the other side, bruthas! (Bwahaha... I think I'm slowly getting into LOST withdrawal)